A new collection of maps displays what militarism looks like in the world. Included are these topics: Wars, Weapons, U.S. Weapons, Money, Nukes, Chemical and Biological, U.S. Military, Air Strikes, Law, and Promotes Peace and Security. See the maps.
World BEYOND War’s 5th annual global #NoWar2020 conference is going online! Join us on May 28-30, 2020 for 3 days of FREE online sessions on how to shut down a weapons expo, conversion to a peace economy, and nonviolent strategies for conflict resolution, plus a virtual anti-war activists open mic session with live music. Featuring Te Ao Pritchard, Siana Bangura, Simon Black, Mary-Wynne Ashford, Tamara Lorincz, Brent Patterson, Colin Stuart, Richard Sanders, Sandy Greenberg, the Ottawa Raging Grannies, and more. Learn more & register!
Remember Kent State, Jackson State, and all the victims of wars. Bring your questions and suggestions. We’ll hear briefly from a number of key speakers before moving into Q&A. Sponsors include: Cleveland Peace Action, The Inter-Religious Task Force on Central America (Cleveland), Columbus Free Press, Daytonians Against War Now! (DAWN), CODEPINK, World BEYOND War, Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX), Voices for Creative Nonviolence. Host: David Swanson, Executive Director of World BEYOND War. Speakers: Leonardo Flores, Latin America Campaign Coordinator CODEPINK; Kathy Kelly, Voices for Creative Nonviolence; Andy Shallal, Busboys and Poets; Rich Whitney, Green Party Peace Action Committee. RSVP here.
Help make the global ceasefire real and complete: (1) Sign the petition. (2) Share this with others, and ask organizations to partner with us on the petition. (3) Add to what we know about which countries are complying here.
World BEYOND War is excited to be partnering with CODEPINK on a free 5-week divestment webinar series. RSVP here!
Follow Martin Sheen’s lead and donate for peace.
Videos of recent webinars:
War Abolition and Italian Liberation Day
This virtual video event aired on Italian TV on April 25th. Speakers include Tim Anderson, Giorgio Bianchi, Giulietto Chiesa (in his last public event), Manlio Dinucci, Kate Hudson, Diana Johnstone, Peter Koenig, Vladimir Kozin, Germana Leoni von Dohnanyi, John Shipton, David Swanson, Ann Wright, and many more. Here is the full video in Italian:
Here is video of David Swanson’s portion in English:
Here’s the text.
World BEYOND War Chapters Are Staying Active
New Zealand is working with allies to create a Ministry of Peace.
Central Florida held a Zoom meeting in April on stopping sanctions, and has planned one for May with Mel Duncan and John Reuwer about Nonviolent Peaceforce.
Nagoya, Japan has been participating in antiwar street protests weekly, as well as working in solidarity with anti-base and pro-peace campaigns in Okinawa and Korea.
Metro Vancouver is working through the Study War No More study guide as a group and planning a book study group. They just held a Zoom meeting with the directors/producers of the film The World Is My Country.
Fort Myers, FL just held a film screening of Scarred Lands and Wounded Lives, which sparked a lively discussion.
South Georgian Bay, Canada is holding a meeting once a month, with an educational component such as a video or speaker, and has developed a weekly e-newsletter, and a letter-writing campaign to PM Trudeau — also planning an event for the International Day of Peace.
Asturias, Spain has been focusing on Cuban solidarity efforts and on highlighting the impact of sanctions.
Berlin, Germany has gone online with an Easter Peace March, a weekly vigil in solidarity with Latin America, and other events that were previously off line, and has used a petition to boost successful efforts to scale back war games during the current pandemic.
Find your chapter or start one.
News from Around the World:
How to Reduce the Chance of War in the Baltic
A Memorial to oppose war by promoting peace
World BEYOND War Hosts Webinar On Military Impact On Guam
Giulietto Chiesa On the Front Line Until the End
Talk Nation Radio: Richard Tucker on What WWII Did and Is Doing to the Environment
Love Peace? Electronically Organize Now!
US Military Contaminates Okinawa With Firefighting Foam Raising Serious Concerns
Four Reasons To Ditch The Draft
How Ya Gonna Pay For It? Stop Giving Money to Israel.
The F-35 In A Time Of Global Plague
Unsolicited Advice on Terrorism to UVa Basketball Player Austin Katstra
Pandemics, Social Conflict And Armed Conflict: How Does COVID-19 Affect Vulnerable Populations?
Now Do You See How Evil They Are?
HR 6415: The Dumbest Idea in Congress
Demilitarizing The Response To Climate Change
COVID-19 In Afghanistan Could Be Devastating
WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.
World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
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