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With what do we replace the war system? What are the moral, social, political, philosophical and pragmatic foundations of an alternative global security system – a system in which peace is pursued by peaceful means? War Abolition 201 explores these questions and more with the goal of engaging students in learning that leads to action. Learn more.
In November 2022, World BEYOND War will be holding a weekly discussion each of four weeks of The Crown of Light with the author Rivera Sun as part of a small group WBW book club limited to a group of 18 participants. She will send each participant a signed paperback or kindle. Learn more.
Sign up early for future book clubs and get the books early here.
Governments are hearing our demand! This petition is unchanged from that submitted to COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, in 2021. But that does not mean it has had no impact yet. We protested outside the COP26 meetings. At COP27 there are three official events planned on the topic of militarism and climate within the conference. That’s a result of your efforts! Now is a time to further build the demand for action.
A new World BEYOND War Podcast Episode: Human Beings Without Rights — A Talk with Robert Fantina.
Peace advocates gathered recently in Ukraine, including WBW Board Members John Reuwer and Yurii Sheliazhenko, and a caravan for peace from Italy.
Recent Videos:
Organizing 101: a course you can take for free at any time.
News from Around the World:
Home of the “Hellhounds,” Whiteman AFB Drone Squadron ‘Most Lethal’ in U.S.
“End War in Ukraine” Say 66 Nations at UN General Assembly
A Big Step Forward for War Powers Reform in Australia
Pedal for Peace this October in Montréal
Why Andrew Bacevich Should Support the Abolition of Wars and Militaries
A Just and Sustainable Peace…or Else!
Talk World Radio: Women for Weapons Trade Transparency
The 1983 War Scare: The Cold War’s Most Dangerous Moment?
Letter of Support for German Peace Groups Demonstrating on October 1, 2022
In New Zealand, World BEYOND War and Friends Give Out 43 Peace Poles
Canada and the International Fools-Based Order
It Was Set to Be Nebraska’s Largest Wind Project. Then the Military Stepped In.
Standing Up Against War Propaganda at the Toronto Air Show
Peace Agenda for Ukraine and the World
Tyranny is No Excuse for Waging War on China (or the United States)
Talk World Radio: Tara Villalba and Tom Rogers on Abolishing Nuclear Weapons
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.
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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada
One Response
I am on a fixed income but I sign petitions of causes I feel are important.
Unfortunately, I don’t have time to read everything on this site but I’d like more opportunities to sign petitions or actions against things that are wrong, other than social media.
I do not participate in any social media.
Thank you for the crucial info on your site.