WBW News & Action: War and Environment, a new online course

By World BEYOND War, June 15, 2020

War and the Environment: July 6 to August 16, 2020: Grounded in research on peace and ecological security, this course focuses on the relationship between two existential threats: war and environmental catastrophe. We will cover:

  • Where wars happen and why.
  • What wars do to the earth.
  • What imperial militaries do to the earth back home.
  • What nuclear weapons have done and could do to people and the planet.
  • How this horror Is hidden and maintained.
  • What can be done.

Learn more and register.

Membership Survey: We need your advice. Which of our projects do you find valuable? What should we be doing? How good are our arguments for ending war? How can we grow? What should be in a World BEYOND War mobile app? What should be on our website? We’ve created an online survey to allow you to very quickly answer our questions and guide us in a good direction. This is not a gimmick or a fundraiser. We plan to study the results very carefully and act on them. Please take a couple of minutes or more and give us your best input. Thanks for all you do!


June 27: Virtual Chapter Open House: Join World BEYOND War on Saturday, June 27 at 4:30pm ET (GMT-4) for a “virtual chapter open house” to meet our chapter coordinators from around the world! First, we’ll hear from World BEYOND War’s Executive Director David Swanson and Organizing Director Greta Zarro about WBW’s mission and campaigns, and how to build the peace movement within the context of the current issues we’re facing, from the coronavirus pandemic, to systemic racism, to ongoing climate change. Then we’ll divide up into breakout rooms by region, each moderated by a World BEYOND War chapter coordinator. In our breakouts, we’ll hear what chapters are working on, discuss our interests, and brainstorm how we can collaborate with other WBW members in our respective regions. Register!

Free Online Seminar to Stop RIMPAC: Join experts and activist leaders from around the world to advance the project of not just scaling back but fully canceling this massive and dangerous war rehearsal. Speakers will include: Dr Margie Beavis (Australia), Ann Wright (USA), Maria Hernandez (Guam), Virginia Lacsa Suarez (Philippines), Kawena Phillips (Hawaii), Valerie Morse (NZ). The event will take place on Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 1:00 PM New Zealand time (GMT+12:00). Learn more and register.

Rotary Peace Fellowship Alumni Association’s Global Cyber Peace Conference on 27 June: Envisioning the World After the Great Pause. Join World BEYOND War Education Director Phill Gittins and over 100 speakers for more than 35 sessions and workshops on peace and conflict-related topics spanning 24 hours, across the three conference zones: Asia/Oceania; Africa/Europe/Middle East and the Americas/Caribbean. Learn more and REGISTER HERE.


Are you an artist, musician, chef, or world-renowned bridge player — or just someone who likes to paint, strum a guitar, cook family recipes, or play cards — and willing to donate your time? World BEYOND War is holding a Global Skills Exchange and is looking for your skills to help amplify our work and bring an end to war. We’re not asking you to donate money. We’re asking you to donate your time with a skill lesson, performance, coaching session, or other online service via video. Then someone else will donate to World BEYOND War in order to enjoy what you’re offering. Learn more here.

The #NoWar2020 Conference Was Held Online and You Can Watch the Video

Whether you participated or not, you can now watch and share with others the three videos of various sessions of World BEYOND War’s annual conference, which this year was held virtually. Find the videos here.


The World BEYOND War Peace Almanac is now available in audioconsisting of 365 two-minute segments, one for each day of the year, free to radio stations, podcasts, and everyone else. The Peace Almanac (also available in text) lets you know important steps, progress, and setbacks in the movement for peace that have taken place on each date of the calendar year. Please ask local radio stations and your favorite shows to include the Peace Almanac.

Help make the global ceasefire real and complete:
(1) Sign the petition.
(2) Share this with others, and ask organizations to partner with us on the petition.
(3) Add to what we know about which countries are complying here.

Hibakusha Remembrance Webinar: On Thursday August 6th at noon Pacific Daylight Time: attend, and invite your friends to attend, an online presentation by Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford, Dr. Jonathan Down, and youth activist Magritte Gordaneer. In the hour-long session, with time for Q&A, these experts will address the bombings, the public health impact of nuclear war, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the state of international law and other matters to help us all make meaningful the vow: “Never Again.” RSVP.

Canada Must End Sanctions Now! We’re working with our allies to promote a Parliamentary petition to urge the government of Canada to lift all of Canada’s economic sanctions now! If the petition gets 500 signatures by August 30, MP Scott Duvall will introduce the petition in the House of Commons and the Canadian government will be obliged to comment on it. Canadians, please sign and share the parliamentary petition.

Find tons of upcoming events on the events list and map here. Most of them are now online events that can be participated in from anywhere on earth,

Mobile Messaging Opt-In: Opt in to mobile messages from World BEYOND War to receive timely updates about important anti-war events, petitions, news, and action alerts from our global grassroots network! Opt in.

We’re Hiring: World BEYOND War is looking for a remote part-time social media manager who can promote our mission, messages, events and activities on all the major digital platforms. World BEYOND War’s goal is to reach new audiences and change minds all over the world, so this position is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to interact with a truly global audience about urgent and deeply significant issues. Apply for the job of social media manager!


Poetry Corner:

Empty Dream.


World BEYOND War has been nominated for the 2020 U.S. Peace Prize.

Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington: Join in from wherever you are on June 20, 2020.

Recent Webinars:

Here’s a local campaign to ban militarized policing. Contact us for help doing the same where you live.

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