WBW News & Action: No Drafts, No War Taxes, Yes a Future of Peace

End U.S. Draft Registration

The U.S. government is going to either expand draft registration to young women (signing them up to be forced against their will to kill and die) in the name of “equal rights,” or it is going to end this outdated barbarism. Contrary to popular myth a draft does not decrease the chances or duration or extent of wars.

Before the end of December 31, 2019, you can use this form to submit an official public comment as a member of the public to the National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service asking the Commission to recommend that Congress enact H.R. 5492, a new bill to end draft registration.

If you are from the United States, please also click here to quickly email your Representative and your two Senators to urge them to co-sponsor H.R. 5492.

No One Should Be Forced to Pay for War
The right of conscientious objection to war must include the right not to pay for other people to engage in war or preparations for war. Tax laws in every nation must be made to reflect this right. Learn more and sign the petition.

Germany Must Not Join the War-Making Nations
Sign the petition that’s been endorsed by Aufstehen Berlin-Mitte, Berliner Arbeitskreis Uranmunition, Aktion Freiheit statt Angst, World BEYOND War Germany, Aktionsgruppe Venezuela Berlin, Coop Anti-War Cafe, Mütter gegen den Krieg Berlin-Brandenburg.

The Online Course Begins January 13th
Believe it or not, most people can be persuaded by new information that war needs to be abolished. Not all people at all times. Irrationality exists; we’re aware. But the vast majority of people at World BEYOND War events are moved significantly from where they were upon arrival. Knowing how to persuade people that it’s time to abolish war is a skill we’d love for you to have. Here’s where you can get it.

You Can Now Register: #NoWar2020: May 26-31, 2020
We’re converging on Ottawa this May 26-31 for #NoWar2020 to say NO to CANSEC, Canada’s biggest annual weapons expo. Register for our 5th annual global conference. #CancelCANSEC

Meet Our New Development Director

Alex McAdams is an activist and artist. She has worked as a content producer, advocate, and director of development for various arts, social justice, and civil rights organizations. With a B.A. from the University of Vermont in Women’s Studies and Philosophy and a J.D. with a focus in civil rights from CUNY School of Law, much of Alex’s work has focused on giving voice to and advocating for the rights and protections of marginalized communities. Read More or Contact Alex.

The Christmas Truce

Statement to Those Marking 2000th Day of Sit-In at the Camp Schwab Gate in Henoko
Read it.

Should Trump’s Be the Only Budget Proposal in the 2020 U.S. Election?
Donald Trump has a budget proposal that gives over 60% to militarism. None of his Democratic opponents has a proposal. Let’s ask them to show us the budgets they want.

There’s Still Time in 2019 To Support An End To War In 2020
A one-time or new recurring donation will support our peace education and online courses, our upcoming #NoWar2020 convening in Ottawa, and our divestment and no bases campaigns. Contribute here.

WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.

World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA

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3 Responses

  1. I AGREE that we should NOT start a WAR, BUT what are we supposed to do if they ATTACK us? ? ?
    Iran is a HUGE radical group that seem to be trying to take over ALL of our countries and to make all of us part of their country? ? ?
    SO are we supposed to do? ?
    Are we just supposed to do, JUST give up and just let them take complete control of everything that we have and to make it theirs? ? ?
    OR what are we supposed to do other than to give up, are we supposed to just let them slap us and do NOTHING but to make them our controlling government without doing anything to create WAR against them and to make them to destroy themselves because we do NOT like being slapped in face and do NOTHING OR are we just wanted to HIT BACK and to destroy their armies to KILL ALL of their actions and to make them part of our country wit nothing in their armies to continue to try to make us into a part of their country? ? ?

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