WBW News & Action: Don’t Get Yanked into War With China

Don’t Get Yanked into War With China: Read, sign, and share the petition.

A petition to President Joe Biden was read aloud in English and Japanese at the White House and at the Embassy of Japan in Washington, D.C., yesterday. The petition and videos are here: ADD YOUR NAME.

Leading up to Peace Day on September 21, we’re hosting a virtual film festival to expose the impact of militarism around the world and the power of nonviolence. The festival will span 3 weekends — Saturday, September 4, September 11, and September 18 — covering a multitude of themes, from colonial violence in Canada and military base pollution in Washington State, to a coup d’état in Haiti and nonviolent peacekeeping in Bougainville. Each film screening will be followed by an exclusive Q&A with the directors and special guests to explore the topics covered in the films and how to take action. Get your tickets!

Sign our petition to the 26th UN Climate summit planned for Glasgow in November. We encourage groups and individuals to organize events to advance this message on or about the International Day of Peace during Climate Week, September 21, 2021, as well as on or about the big day of action in Glasgow on November 4, 2021. Resources and ideas for events are here.

Peace Education and Action for Impact is a new programme launched by World BEYOND War in collaboration with Rotary Action Group for Peace. Learn more and apply to participate here. Donate to help students take part here.

Get your sky-blue scarf for International Day of Peace!

Set up a monthly recurring donation for any amount, and a generous donor will chip in $250.

Upcoming events list.

Wear the message.


August 23: War & Climate

August 27: Afghanistan

Sept. 11: Wars of Terror

Sept. 18: Code Red Planet

Sept. 19: Rising Together

All past webinar videos.

Art by Leah Bolger.

Enter Photo Contest!



Volunteer Spotlight: Andrew Dymon. Read his story.

News from Around the World:

Please Join Us in Honoring David Hartsough

A Year of World BEYOND War Work in Ireland

World BEYOND War Publishes Drone Fact Sheet

Patterson Deppen, America as a Base Nation Revisited

Let’s Get Those Boots Off the Ground

AUDIO: David Swanson Discussed Afghanistan with Robert Patillo

Stop the Militarization of Space

Will Americans Who Were Right on Afghanistan Still Be Ignored?

If Only Afghans Were Jews

Video: David Swanson Discusses Afghanistan on the Santita Jackson Show

Bombshell Report: Global Warming Poses a Threat to US Ammo

Build Bridges, Not Walls, A Journey to a World Without Borders

Ex-Official Matthew Hoh, Who Resigned over Afghan War, Says U.S. Mistakes Helped Taliban Gain Power

Ann Wright and Whistleblowers Discuss DISSENT: Voices of Conscience

The “Fall” of Kabul Marks a Victory for Peace

Letter: The Purpose of Armies is War, Not Peace

Lies, Damn Lies, and What We’ve Been Told About Afghanistan

Biden Could Have Spared Afghanistan and US 6 Months of Pointless War by Just Ending It

STOP Militarisation of Space – New Zealand Rocket Lab Protest

Afghanistan: So What Do the Filthy Commie Peaceniks Say Now?

Town of Chesapeake Beach Tests Oysters from 23 Miles Away

Remember the Kellogg-Briand Pact

Biden Must Call Off the B-52s Bombing Afghan Cities

How International Law Facilitates the Bombing of Civilians in the U.S. War on Terror

On Painting Daniel Hale: His Exquisite Burden

How the Nuclear Weapons Industry Is Dominating Think Tank Research

Video: Ann Wright and Whistleblowers Discuss DISSENT: Voices of Conscience

Red tank tracks painted at London, Ont. MP offices and home of General Dynamics president

Activists Paint Tank Tracks to Doors of Weapons Dealers

Talk World Radio: Danny Sjureson on What the U.S. Military Is Doing in Africa

Learning From Vamik Volkan

Report: U.S. Weapons Sales Exports to Be Revised

BREAKING: Activists protest at Lockheed Martin facility on anniversary of Yemen school bus massacre, demand Canada stop arming Saudi Arabia

BREAKING: On the anniversary of Yemen school bus massacre, activists in London Ontario mark the complicity of General Dynamics Land Systems and the Liberal government in war crimes against Yemeni civilians, and demand that Canada stop arming Saudi Arabia

Gold Rush in Space

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.

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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA

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