By Ken Butigan, Jonathan Greenberg, Sherri Maurin and Stephen Zunes, August 12, 2021
Please join us in honoring David Hartsough with the institute’s 2021 Clarence B. Jones Award for Kingian Nonviolence. The award ceremony will take place as an online webinar on Thursday, August 26, from 11:45am to 1:30pm.
Together with fellow activists, scholars and dear friends, we will come together celebrate David’s life of moral achievement as a dedicated nonviolent activist for peace, justice and human rights. You can read more about him, and register for the August 26 webinar on the USF Calendar page for this event.
Once you RSVP, you will receive the access link for the August 26 event.
The USF Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice established the annual Clarence B. Jones Award for Kingian Nonviolence to honor and give public recognition to the life’s work and social impact of a major activist who in their life has carried forward the principles and methods of nonviolence in the tradition of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. King’s colleagues in the Black Freedom Movement of the United States of the 1950s and 1960s.
An extraordinary group of the leading nonviolence activists and scholars in the United States, will come to together celebrate David’ Hartsough’s life of moral achievement as a dedicated nonviolent warrior for peace, justice and human rights.
Speakers include DePaul University Professor Ken Butigan, Campaign Nonviolence Strategist for the Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service; Dr. Clayborne Carson, Founding director of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute at Stanford University; Professor Erica Chenoweth, Director of the Nonviolent Action Lab at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University; Mel Duncan, co-founder of Nonviolent Peaceforce; political activist and whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, who was responsible for the release and publication of the Pentagon Papers; Father Paul J. Fitzgerald, President of the University of San Francisco; Dr. Clarence B. Jones, Founding Director Emeritus, USF Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice and former lawyer, strategic advisor and draft speechwriter to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and recipient of the 2021 ABA Thurgood Marshall Award; peace activist
Kathy Kelly, founding member of Voices in the Wilderness, and Voices for Creative Nonviolence; Swarthmore College Professor Emeritus George Lakey, leading activist, scholar and widely read author in the field of nonviolent social change since the 1960s. Rev. James L. Lawson, Jr., leading thinker, strategist to the Nonviolent Movement of the United States, and trainer and mentor to the Nashville Student Movement and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee; engaged Buddhist teacher Joanna Macy; Rivera Sun, activist, writer, strategist and creative teacher for nonviolence and social justice across the U.S. and internationally; Starhawk, author, activist, permaculture designer and teacher, founder of Earth Activist Training; author, activist, journalist David Swanson, host of Talk World Radio, executive director of World BEYOND War; Ann Wright, retired US Army colonel and retired U.S. State Department official, outspoken opponent to the Iraq War, recipient of the State Department Award for Heroism; and USF Professor and global nonviolence scholar Stephen Zunes.
The USF Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice established the annual Clarence B. Jones Award for Kingian Nonviolence to honor and give public recognition to the life’s work and social impact of a major activist, scholar or artist who in his or her life has carried forward the principles and methods of nonviolence in the tradition of Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Dr. King’s colleagues in the Black Freedom Movement of the United States of the 1950s and 1960s. The Award is named after Dr. Clarence B. Jones, Founding Director Emeritus of the USF Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice, whose vision and experience of social change is rooted in the deep relationship of trust, counsel and friendship Dr. Jones had with his beloved mentor, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. In 2020, the Clarence B. Jones Award for Kingian Nonviolence was presented to Ambassador Andrew J. Young.
David Hartsough has led a truly exemplary life dedicated to nonviolence and peace, with enormous influence and impact on the world. I hope you can join us on August 26 for this special celebration honoring David’s lifetime of nonviolent activism to fight injustice, oppression and militarism and to help achieve the Beloved Community Dr. King envisioned.
If you have any questions concerning registration, logistics, etc. please contact Gladys Perez, Program Administrator, USF Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice at If you have any more personal questions, please contact Jonathan Greenberg at, Sherri Maurin at or Ken Butigan at
For ongoing updates on David’s health, please visit his Caring Bridge site.
With profound admiration for David Hartsough, and with care for everyone in our community at this time of renewed Covid risk,
Ken Butigan, Campaign Nonviolence Strategist at Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service
Jonathan D. Greenberg, Director, USF Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice
Sherri Maurin, nonviolence activist, educator, trainer and organizer
Stephen Zunes, Professor of Politics, and nonviolence scholar, University of San Francisco
USF Institute for Nonviolence and Social Justice
University of San Francisco
2130 Fulton Street
Kendrick Hall 236
San Francisco, CA 94117