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New Interactive Tool Gives Global and Close Up Views of 867 U.S. Military Bases Outside the U.S.
We are working on a proposal to establish an Unarmed Civilian Protection team to prevent a nuclear explosion that would impact Ukraine — and the world. Learn more and volunteer.
Online peace writing course with Author/Activist Rivera Sun. Limited to 40 participants. Learn more and sign up.
Success: Corvallis, Oregon Unanimously Passes Resolution Prohibiting Investments in Weapons
On Monday, November 7, the Corvallis City Council unanimously passed a resolution to prohibit the city from investing in companies which produce weapons of war. The resolution passed following years of advocacy work by the Corvallis Divest from War coalition, which represents 19 organizations including World BEYOND War. Read about this exciting campaign success, & learn more about WBW’s divestment work.
The above photo from Madison, Wisconsin, illustrates one of many actions held around to world on Armistice / Remembrance Day.
At upcoming book clubs you’ll be joined by the authors William Timpson, Gary Geddes, Vincent Intondi, Matthew Legge, Paul Engler, and more.
Canada Is Active!
- Reports from the Canada Public Pension Plan meetings.
- Take one minute and send a letter to Canada Pension Plan Investment Board.
- WBW members attended #KillTheDrill actions across Canada to rant, chant, sing & stand with #Wetsuweten against the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline
WBW is holding an auction. We have been lucky to receive some very special donated items to include in an auction to help support our work but we need a few more to get it launched. Do you have something you could offer for us to include? Think artwork, gift cards (food related, services like spa treatments, online stores, etc), vacation home rentals, new electronics, etc. If you have ideas for a higher ticket priced item you would consider contributing to help raise money for WBW, please be in touch with Development Director, Alex McAdams, at alex@worldbeyondwar.org
Nov. 18: Petroleum, Ukraine, and Geopolitics.
Nov. 22: Conversation with Leading Peacemakers.
Nov. 30: Ending the War in Ukraine
Dec. 1: Truth Killers
Dec. 3: Celebrate 42 Years of the Nuclear Resister!
WBW is celebrating and honoring the work activists are doing around the world to end war with a special virtual benefit event on December 14th. Keep an eye out for the save-the-date arriving in your mailboxes tomorrow with more details about the special guests who will be joining us, including Dennis Kucinich and Clare Daly.
Nov. 3: Peace Making In A Time Of Endless War.
Nov. 9: War in a Changing Climate
Christmas Truces: past and future.
This month’s volunteer spotlight features Mohammed Abunahel from Palestine, who is currently living in India. He has worked extensively on WBW’s No Bases campaign, among other projects. Read Mohammed’s story.
News from Around the World:
Congressional Amendment Opens Floodgates for War Profiteers and a Major Ground War on Russia
U.S. Slammed for Decrying Australia’s Anti-Nuke Stance
Audio: Solutions To Violence Features Phill Gittins and Allison Southerland
When Merchants of Death Visited Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, and General Atomics: Photos and Videos
Firefighters Ought to Have Their Blood Tested for PFAS
Russian Feminists Help Men Avoid Draft
COP27 Side Event: Dealing with Military and Conflict Related Emissions Under the UNFCCC
Oltre 100.000 Volti a Roma per “Europe for Peace”
89 Times People Had the Choice of War or Nothing and Chose Something Else Instead
Italian Rally Calls for Country to Stop Sending Weapons to Ukraine
Urgent Need to Restore Irish Neutrality and to Promote Peace
An Appeal to Uchinānchu Taikai Festival Overseas Attendees
Talk World Radio: A Socialist and a Libertarian Discuss Ending War
America’s 9/11 Wars Created the Foot Soldiers of Far-Right Violence at Home
Ukraine Without Ukrainians, Earth Without Life
What to Expect from COP27 in Egypt’s Police State: An Interview With Sharif Abdel Kouddous
The U.S. Choice Not to End This War Is Fog Fact #1
World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.
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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada