So, Canadians are being forced to participate in this particular instance of war profiteering. We think that we are in a democracy, but is that really the case, when taxpayers have no say in how their life savings are invested?

What you can do

If you feel outraged about Canada’s proxy war, take heart—there are a number of actions that you can take to stop this pipeline project and end the conflict.

  1. Join the Decolonial Solidarity movement, which is putting pressure on the RBC to pull its financing for the Coastal Gaslink project and to divest. In BC, this involves meeting with MLAs; in other provinces, activists are picketing outside RBC branches. There are many other strategies as well.
  2. If you are an RBC customer, or a customer of any of the other banks financing the CGL pipeline, move your money to a credit union (Caisse Desjardins in Québec) or a bank that has divested from fossil fuels, such as Banque Laurentien. Write to the bank and tell them why you are taking your business elsewhere.
  3. Write a letter to the Editor about Canada’s proxy war, or write to your MP.
  4. Use social media to share information on the proxy war. On Twitter, follow @Gidimten and @DecolonialSol.
  5. Join the movement to divest the Canada Pension Plan from killer projects like CGL. Email to learn more about how your pension fund is handling climate-related risk, and to get involved. You can also send a letter to the CPPIB using the online tool.

This is a war we can win, and we fight it to save the natural world, to show solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters, and so that our descendants will inherit a viable planet. So that they can live.