WBW News & Action: Desmond Tutu Video

Desmond Tutu Urges Us to Sign and Share Peace Pledge
Watch the video.

Tomorrow at 8PM Eastern: Divest Webinar!
Join World BEYOND War, CODEPINK, and PAX/Don’t Bank on the Bomb tomorrow, July 2 at 8:00pm Eastern (GMT – 4) for a webinar on how to divest from the war machine. We’ll discuss different models of divestment, as well as lessons learned from World BEYOND War’s recent successful campaign to divest the city of Charlottesville, VA from weapons and fossil fuels. The webinar will be available via Zoom and livestreamed on World BEYOND War’s Facebook page. RSVP for the log-on details.

Involving Women in Peace & Security Decision-Making
How are women impacted by war?  Why should they be involved in peace and security decision-making? What roles should they play? Click here to access our discussion guide and video.

Vancouver Kick-Off!
The World BEYOND War Metro Vancouver chapter held its first event in Surrey on June 23, featuring Tamara Lorincz on the topic of “Making the Links: The climate crisis, militarism, and war.” Tamara is on the board of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and the international board of directors of Global Network Against Nuclear Power and Weapons in Space. She is a member of World BEYOND War’s Speakers Bureau. Tamara’s talk highlighted the enormous carbon footprint of the Canadian military and the wide-ranging environmental damage caused by the military.

The chapter’s goal is to support World BEYOND War’s mission of ending all wars and the institution of war and militarism. The chapter hosts educational events, and is initiating grassroots campaigns focused on divestment, opposing Canada’s role in NATO, and more. The chapter is focused on working in coalition across issue areas, to build bridges with local anti-war, peace, human rights, and environmental organizations. Read more about the Metro Vancouver chapter, and follow the chapter on Facebook.

NoWar2019: Pathways to Peace
World BEYOND War’s fourth annual global conference on the abolition of war will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 5th and 6th, in Limerick, Ireland, and include a rally on the 6th at Shannon Airport, where U.S. military forces routinely pass through in violation of Irish neutrality and of laws against war. Learn more and register.

The U.S. Military and Climate Change
A report on the U.S. military and climate change (PDF) was just presented by World BEYOND War Board Member Pat Elder at an event near the U.S. Base at Ramstein in Germany. Pat reports: The town of Ramstein, near the massive airbase, just had to shut down most of its water system while they are pumping water in from other locations because of PFAS contamination. There has been no media coverage on it. They are in the process of drilling two new wells and rebuilding their water system. A creek not far from the church has PFAS 500 times more than what the EU allows. Fishing is off limits in many local streams and ponds.

On the World BEYOND War Podcast: Taking Stock of the Antiwar Movement
Marc Eliot Stein reports: We devoted the latest episode of the World BEYOND War podcast to a fundamental question: how is the antiwar movement doing right now? Peace and social justice activists are scrambling to keep up with a surreal level of reckless provocations and unbearable atrocities around the world, from Gaza to Venezuela to Yemen to Iran. How is the antiwar movement managing to respond to all these urgent situations at once, while also rebuilding itself for the future? It’s a serious question and we called in some of the core folks from World BEYOND War to discuss it. Executive director David Swanson and board president Leah Bolger join Greta Zarro and myself for an intensive and no-holds-barred talk about the kinds of questions we ask ourselves often. Listen.

Volunteer Spotlight: Marilyn
This week’s volunteer spotlight features Marilyn from Northeastern Pennsylvania, USA.
How did you get involved with World BEYOND War (WBW)?
My husband, George, was a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force. He served two tours and worked with civil engineers on improving living conditions in Vietnam. George died in 2006 after suffering both kidney and liver failure from his exposure to Agent Orange. This group brought back many of my husband’s feelings about the senselessness of war. So, I immediately supported it.
What’s your top recommendation for someone who wants to get involved with WBW?
There is no greater cause. Making this world a better, safer place for all begins with minds open enough to learn from history that there are always better alternatives than war.
Read more about Marilyn’s story.

South Georgian Bay Kick-Off!
The South Georgian Bay Chapter in Ontario kicked off last week! The chapter’s goal is to have 700 residents of South Georgian Bay sign World BEYOND War’s Peace Pledge (3.5% of the population of SGB’s largest town, Collingwood). The chapter is organizing into different action teams, including a Study War No More study group, a communications team, and an event organizing committee planning a World Peace Day festival on September 21. The chapter meets on a monthly basis in Collingwood, Ontario. Want to start a chapter in your area? Email greta@worldbeyondwar.org

International Week
Tony Jenkins, World BEYOND War Education Director, was in Germany last week as a special invited guest at the University of Vechta for their annual International Week.  Tony was an invited guest of Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Egon Spiegel, an internationally recognized peace researcher and professor of theology.  Tony provided three lectures, including an introduction to World BEYOND War’s A Global Security System: an Alternative to War.  Tony also met with a peace researcher from Brazil and visited and met with the Director of the Erich Maria Remarque Peace Center / Museum in Osnabrück.

Use this graphic
Signers of the peace pledge should post this graphic everywhere.

Be Sociable: Join Us on Social Media
Join the discussion on the World BEYOND War discussion listserve. Find us on Facebook. Tweet at us on Twitter. See what’s happening on Instagram. Our videos are on Youtube.

Invite a World BEYOND War Speaker
World BEYOND War has speakers available around the world. See them here. World BEYOND War Executive Director David Swanson’s upcoming speaking events include:
Online Webinar, July 2.

Poulsbo, WA, Aug. 4.

Seattle, WA, Aug. 4.

Surrey, BC, Aug. 5.

Vancouver, BC, Aug. 5.

Seattle, WA, Aug. 6.

Chicago, IL, Aug. 27

Evansville, IN, Sep. 26

Milano, Italia, Oct. 3

Limerick, Ireland, Oct. 5-6

Find more events here.

News from Around the World

Protestors Say “Yes” to Peace in Japan: Opposing the New Weapons Market Days in Chiba City

Canada Hires Hitman to Overthrow Venezuelan Government

Soldiers Without Guns

This Is Really Not A Drill

Oregon Becomes Second State in U.S. to Support Nuclear Ban Treaty

Talk Nation Radio: Martin Hellman on Rethinking National Security

What Survives Genocide?

Sally-Alice Thompson: A Life Dedicated To Peace And Justice For All

U.S. Sanctions: Economic Sabotage That Is Deadly, Illegal, and Ineffective

WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.

World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA


2 Responses

  1. South Sudan is one of the countries badly affected by all the wars which started with the Arabs in Northern Sudan until South Sudan received its independent. Now continue the power struggle, war between the South Sudanese by themselves. Blood shed become uncontrolled. The value of Human being is less valued to cattle. violation of Human rights and genda violence are like models to those having power. therefore we have realized that WARS and Conflicts can’t solve any problem. WBW have come up with concrete solution to end all the wars in the world and set the ways forward for everlasting peace. the peace our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ talked about. ” Peace I give unto you that the world can not give” this is the peace we need to strive to have. let us all advocate for the safety of HUMAN being as the IMAGE of God and the supper powers in the world to stop manufacturing of GUNS and ammunitions. We highly support Desmond TUTU’s stand to end all the wars in the world

  2. Reverend,

    Thank you for your comments.

    You have learned from bitter experience that war cannot solve any conflict for long. It can only serve to enrich a few people at the expense of most others. Many people in the rich countries still think war is a noble and glorious adventure because we, especially in the US, have not suffered (recently) from war like you have; that’s why we think it OK to sell bullets and bombs to countries like yours. We need you to teach us the real cost of war and help us devise ways to stop it. I would encourage you to read the “A Global Alternative Security System: An Alternative to War”, which you can download from this website, and see how we can adapt its approach to the situation in South Sudan.

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