Free Webinar: Divest from the War Machine
Join us on Tuesday, July 2 at 8:00 p.m. EDT (GMT – 4) for a webinar on divestment, featuring David Swanson of World BEYOND War, Maya Rommwatt of CODEPINK, and Susi Snyder of PAX/Don’t Bank on the Bomb. Grassroots-led war divestment campaigns are springing up all over the world, from students organizing to divest university endowments from weapons manufacturers and war profiteers, to municipalities and states coming together to divest public pension funds from the war machine. On this webinar, we’ll talk about the strategies and tactics needed to run a successful divestment campaign. RSVP.
New Map!
Announcing a new feature on our website: an interactive map displaying the 500+ organizations around the world that have signed World BEYOND War’s Declaration of Peace. View the map, and find organizations near you! Organizations can be added to the map by signing the Declaration of Peace.
Canada Springs into Action!
World BEYOND War chapters are popping up across Canada! We’re excited to announce new chapters in Vancouver, South Georgian Bay, and Toronto/ Mississauga. Click on the chapter name to read about their upcoming events. Vancouver will be hosting World BEYOND War Co-Founder & Executive Director David Swanson on August 5. Want to host David or other World BEYOND War speakers in your town or start a chapter of your own? Read about becoming a chapter coordinator, and get in touch!
Invite a World BEYOND War Speaker
World BEYOND War has speakers available around the world. See them here. World BEYOND War Executive Director David Swanson’s upcoming speaking events include:
Milano, Italia, Oct. 3
NoWar2019: Pathways to Peace
World BEYOND War’s fourth annual global conference on the abolition of war will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 5th and 6th, in Limerick, Ireland, and include a rally on the 6th at Shannon Airport, where U.S. military forces routinely pass through in violation of Irish neutrality and of laws against war.
See article in yesterday’s Sunday Times.
Sign the petition we’ll deliver in Dublin: U.S. Military Out of Ireland!
Sanctions and the Costs of War
Please join Jeffrey Sachs, Linda Bilmes, Mark Weisbrot in a panel discussion on: Examining the Human and Economic Costs of US Economic Sanctions
Date: June 20, 2019 (Thursday)
Time: 10:00 a.m. EDT
Location: Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2253
45 Independence Ave SW, Washington, DC
What the United States did to Iraq must not be done to Iran!
The danger has been dramatically escalated that the United States will launch yet another catastrophic war — this time against Iran.
Such a war could come by a deliberate decision, or through a series of provocations, reprisals, and misunderstandings. The latter scenario has been made more likely through threats and the positioning of weapons and troops.
President Trump has called attacking Iraq “one of the worst decisions in the history of the country.” Click here to sign a petition telling him not to make a decision that could be even worse.
The U.S. Congress has the power to prevent this looming crime against humanity. Click here to email your Representative and Senators (for U.S. residents only) telling them to cosponsor the bills that would block this war and to take other necessary steps to move us in the direction of peace.
Volunteer Spotlight: Eleanor
Location: Carcross, Yukon Territory, Canada
How did you get involved with World BEYOND War? I have long been an advocate for peace, since the days of nuclear disarmament campaigns in the sixties. The present danger is more real; it doesn’t seem to diminish.
What kinds of volunteer activities do you help with? I live in Northern Canada and the way I can contribute is to write. I was excited to see the Peace Almanac and that you were looking for writers. I am a researcher/writer, and did that for ten years working for the New Democrats (NDP).
Read more about Eleanor’s story.
Use this graphic
Signers of the peace pledge should post this graphic everywhere.
Be Sociable: Join Us on Social Media
Join the discussion on the World BEYOND War discussion listserve. Find us on Facebook. Tweet at us on Twitter. See what’s happening on Instagram. Our videos are on Youtube.
Keep the War Machine Out of the Galapagos Islands
The government of Ecuador has recently agreed to allow the U.S. military to base aircraft and naval ships at one of the Galapagos Islands in violation of the Constitution of Ecuador. Sign the petition to the government of Ecuador from the people of the world.
News from Around the World
War on Iran Stupidest Idea Yet Recorded in a Human Brain
’20 years free’: Bill Clinton visits Kosovo
The US Defense Department Is Worried About Climate Change – And Also A Huge Carbon Emitter
Two Iraqi Peace Activists Confront a Trumpian World
Confronting Censorship in Ireland
Talk Nation Radio: Stephen Roblin on What Moves People Against War
Victims Of Afghanistan War Crimes Appeal ICC Decision Not To Prosecute
Solidarity Event For Venezuela In Berlin
Rethinking National Security: The Man in the TNT Vest
David Swanson Interview: Culture of War, Militarism Behind Mass Shootings
Charlottesville Divests from Weapons and Fossil Fuels
WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.
World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
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