WBW News & Action: Our New Board President

World BEYOND War is saying farewell and thank you to our wonderful Board President of the past seven years Leah Bolger, and excitedly welcoming as our new Board President a long-time member of our Advisory Board Kathy Kelly. Read Leah’s and Kathy’s comments here.

How can we become more effective advocates and activists for ending particular wars, ending all wars, pursuing disarmament, and creating systems that maintain peace? These questions and more will be explored in War Abolition 101: How We Create a Peaceful World.

Seeds of Peace: Building Global Solidarity: Kids in New York Would Like to Send You a Card. Especially if you live in a part of the world impacted by U.S. militarism, ask these kids in New York City to make you a card by contacting noahjwolf@gmail.com Learn more here.

The seven year mark is approaching in the current phase of the war on Yemen. Here are actions to take in Canada.

WBW is working with allies in the Divest Chicago from the War Machine Coalition to divest the City’s pension funds from weapons manufacturers and military contractors. Currently, Chicago has hundreds of millions invested in the top weapons companies, including Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, and Lockheed Martin. Are you based in Chicago? Send a message to the Chicago Finance Committee to support our City Council resolution (R2021-1305) to #DivestFromWar!

Information and Action.

Upcoming events list.

Upcoming webinars:

March 29: Abolishing Nuclear Weapons

April 24: New Jersey Peace Action Spring Gathering

Recent Webinar Videos:

Conversation with Caoimhe Butterly

Organizing for Peace

Military Spending

Conversation with Máiread Maguire

Per un Mondo Senza Guerra

All past webinar videos.

Join in planning protests at a Lockheed Martin location near you.

News from Around the World:

Ending Slavery in Washington DC and War in Ukraine

National Chamber of Commerce in Bolivia Launches National Committee on a Culture of Peace

30 Nonviolent Things Russia Could Have Done and 30 Nonviolent Things Ukraine Could Do

With the Threat of Nuclear War Heightened by the Invasion of Ukraine, Now is the Time to Stand Up for Peace

How Australia Goes to War

Talk World Radio: Lee Camp on the Shutdown of RT America

Audio: Drum Beats of War, Russia, China: Who Calls Shots?, Dr Alison Broinowski, War Powers Reform (Vol#221)

The Environment: the U.S. Military Bases’ Silent Victim

Montreal Chapter of WBW Screens “War Made Easy”

Ukraine: An Opportunity For Peace

Why Russian and Ukrainian Warmongers Portray Each Other as Nazis and Fascists

OMG, War Is Kind of Horrible

Will Russian Diplomats Resign in Opposition to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine?

Are we Heading Toward WWIII & Nuclear War?

Ahimsa Conversation # 106 David Swanson

VIDEO: Russia’s Demands Are Clear – US & West Ignores Them

Italian Veterans Against the War

Humanity at a Crossroads: Cooperation or Extinction

VIDEO: Dr. Yurii Sheliazhenko on Ukraine Crisis: Causes, Impact, & Future

Japan Declares Okinawa a “Combat Zone”

Some of the Voices of Peace on the Streets of Japan Immediately After the Invasion of Ukraine

VIDEO: How to Think About Ukraine

How the U.S. Has Empowered and Armed Neo-Nazis in Ukraine

Stop Padding the Pentagon’s Budget, 86 Groups Tell Biden

Talk World Radio: Now That War Victims and Burn Pits Matter, Meet Iraqis Who Live Near Burn Pits

A Guide for Peace in Ukraine: A Humanist and Nonviolent Proposal from Portugal

Video: Putin, Biden and Zelenskyy, Take Peace Talks Seriously!

Marching, Singing, and Chanting for Peace

Russia’s Demands Have Changed

Video: Rachel Small at Rally for Peace in Ukraine

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.

World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada

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