WBW News & Action: Audio Peace Almanac Available

The World BEYOND War Peace Almanac is now available in audio consisting of 365 two-minute segments, one for each day of the year, free to radio stations, podcasts, and everyone else. The Peace Almanac (also available in text) lets you know important steps, progress, and setbacks in the movement for peace that have taken place on each date of the calendar year. Please ask local radio stations and your favorite shows to include the Peace Almanac.

Buy the print edition, or the PDF.

Go to the audio files.

Go to the text.

Go to the graphics.

Join us for a free teach-in on “Building the Peace Movement.” Sponsors include: Cleveland Peace Action, The Inter-Religious Task Force on Central America (Cleveland), Columbus Free Press, Daytonians Against War Now! (DAWN), CODEPINK, World BEYOND War, Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX), Voices for Creative Nonviolence, Kent InterFaith Alliance for Racial Reconciliation and Justice (KIFA), Truth in Recruitment, Cleveland Nonviolence Network, Twin Cities Nonviolent, Dallas Ant-War Committee. Host: David Swanson, Executive Director of World BEYOND War. Speakers: Leonardo Flores, Latin America Campaign Coordinator CODEPINK; Kathy Kelly, Voices for Creative Nonviolence; Andy Shallal, Busboys and Poets; Rich Whitney, Green Party Peace Action Committee; Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK.

RSVP here.

World BEYOND War’s 5th annual global #NoWar2020 conference is going online!
Join us on May 28-30, 2020 for 3 days of FREE online sessions on how to shut down a weapons expo, conversion to a peace economy, and nonviolent strategies for conflict resolution, plus a virtual anti-war activists open mic session with live music. Featuring Te Ao Pritchard, Siana Bangura, Simon Black, Mary-Wynne Ashford, Tamara Lorincz, Brent Patterson, Colin Stuart, Richard Sanders, Sandy Greenberg, the Ottawa Raging Grannies, and more.
Learn more & register!

World BEYOND War is excited to be partnering with CODEPINK on a free 5-week divestment webinar series.  RSVP here!

Help make the global ceasefire real and complete:
(1) Sign the petition.
(2) Share this with others, and ask organizations to partner with us on the petition.
(3) Add to what we know about which countries are complying here.

Find tons of upcoming events on the events map here. Most of them are now online events that can be participated in from anywhere on earth, so be sure to check out some events from parts of the world far from yourself! And make sure to add your events to the map.

May 21, 2020: People’s BlackRock Stakeholders Protest — Digital Action

On May 21, we are taking action online as the BlackRock shareholders meeting will be taking place virtually because of the coronavirus pandemic. World BEYOND War’s Marc Eliot Stein will be among those speaking. Learn more and RSVP here.

A Victory on Restraining Military Spending:
The U.S. Congress has decided not to include massive weapons funding requested by the Pentagon in a COVID-19 bailout bill — something that World BEYOND War and allies had opposed. A Politico newsletter (sponsored by military contractor Northrup Grumman) called it “a major victory” for antiwar advocacy groups. We have a long way still to go.

Latest Podcast: A Global Look At The Pandemic With Jeannie Toschi Marazzani Visconti and Gabriel Aguirre. Listen here.

My Stretch of Texas Ground is an unusually honest film about blowback. It can be rented on Vimeo or Amazon. You can email the producer, and he will donate to World BEYOND War the amount you paid to rent the film.

Volunteer Spotlight: Darienne Hetherman
This month’s volunteer spotlight features Darienne from California. “It became clear to me that I have a spiritual obligation to take steps to end the archaic institution of war…” Read Darienne’s story.

News from Around the World:

US Blocks Vote On UN’s Bid For Global Ceasefire Over Reference To WHO

Video: War Is A Lie with David Swanson

Anti-Drone Protest in Berlin

Ireland Government Formation – The Peace Issues

Let’s Turn Our Military Resources To Building A Post-COVID Industrial Base For All Americans

Asparagus and Bombers in Germany

May 15: International Conscientious Objection Day: Events across different countries

Do Not Meet With Mike Pence, Go to Jail, or Join the Military

Ebola ’14 vs. Covid ‘19

Erica Chenoweth on Innovations in Nonviolent Direct Actions Under Crisis

I Wish There Really Were a Plot to Create a Global Government

Mother’s Day Is For Ending War

How to Avoid a Draft for Dummies

VE Day: Don’t Let the Nostalgia-Fest Distract From the Horrors of War

With Apparently Fabricated Documents, Netanyahu Pushed US Towards War With Iran

Keep Pushing For WMDFZ In The Middle East

Videos: Kent State Truth Tribunal

Talk Nation Radio: Grant Smith on Israel Within the Virginia State Government

Trump Must Choose Between a Global Ceasefire and America’s Long Lost Wars

WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.

World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA

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