Are you an artist, musician, chef, or world-renowned bridge player — or just someone who likes to paint, strum a guitar, cook family recipes, or play cards — and willing to donate your time? World BEYOND War is holding a Global Skills Exchange and is looking for your skills to help amplify our work and bring an end to war. We’re not asking you to donate money. We’re asking you to donate your time with a skill lesson, performance, coaching session, or other online service via video. Then someone else will donate to World BEYOND War in order to enjoy what you’re offering. Learn more here.
The #NoWar2020 Conference Was Held Online and You Can Watch the Video
Whether you participated or not, you can now watch and share with others the three videos of various sessions of World BEYOND War’s annual conference, which this year was held virtually. Find the videos here.
The World BEYOND War Peace Almanac is now available in audio consisting of 365 two-minute segments, one for each day of the year, free to radio stations, podcasts, and everyone else. The Peace Almanac (also available in text) lets you know important steps, progress, and setbacks in the movement for peace that have taken place on each date of the calendar year. Please ask local radio stations and your favorite shows to include the Peace Almanac.
Buy the print edition, or the PDF.
Help make the global ceasefire real and complete:
(1) Sign the petition.
(2) Share this with others, and ask organizations to partner with us on the petition.
(3) Add to what we know about which countries are complying here.
Find tons of upcoming events on the events list and map here. Most of them are now online events that can be participated in from anywhere on earth,
World BEYOND War has been nominated for the 2020 U.S. Peace Prize.
Recent Webinars:
News from Around the World:
B-61 Tactical Nuclear Weapons In Poland: A Really Bad Idea
The Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon: A New Perspective
The War Industry Threatens Humanity
The UN’s Global Ceasefire Must Circumvent the UN
The Problem With the Space Force Is Not a Dimwitted General
Who Are the Secret Puppet-Masters Behind Trump’s War on Iran?
Wait, What If War Isn’t Humanitarian?
Activists Fought US Military Draft For Decades – They May Soon Have To Again
Talk Nation Radio: Helena Cobban on the State of the U.S. Empire
No Justice, No Peace! Time to Confront the U.S. Rogue State
One B-21 Bomber or 10 Million COVID-19 Tests
How Does the U.S. Rally Support for Wars That Kill Millions of Innocent People Worldwide?
UK Military And Arms Companies Produce More Carbon Emissions Than 60 Individual Countries
Reparations of an Economic Hit Man
Fired Watchdog Was Looking Into Saudi Arms Sale
Stop the $2 Billion Arms Sale to the Philippines
New Zealand Military Spending: Welfare or Warfare?
Heroes and Patriots: Alice Slater Speaks About The End of Nuclear War
International Conference Let Us Free Ourselves from the Virus of War
How To Build, Sustain And Grow A Career In Peace Education With Phil Gittins
WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.
World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
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