No Justice, No Peace! Time to Confront the U.S. Rogue State

people wearing facial masks during COVID-19 pandemic

May 25, 2020

From Black Alliance for Peace

Let us give you a rundown of the current global state of affairs:

  • The Trump Administration recently undermined a United Nations proposal for a global ceasefire to confront the ravages of COVID-19 and threatened the International Criminal Court if it investigates Israel’s crimes against humanity.

  • Meanwhile, Joe Biden, the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee, has declared he will confront the Cubans, criticized the Trump administration for not being tougher on China and has committed to keeping Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

  • The Obama administration committed $1 trillion to upgrade the U.S. nuclear arsenal. The Trump administration then pulled out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

  • Obama ordered the destruction of Libya that ended with the rape and murder of Muammar Gaddafi, greenlighted the Saudi war on Yemen, launched illegal “regime change” efforts in Syria, and labeled the Bolivarian revolutionary process in Venezuela and the Maduro government as extraordinary threats to U.S. national security.

  • Trump followed by putting U.S. boots on the ground to deny Syrians access to their oil, continued to support the immoral Saudi war on Yemen and murdered Iranian general Qasem Soleimani. He then brazenly stole Venezuela’s money out of U.S. banks, prevented Venezuelan oil company Citgo from sending its profits to Venezuela, and imposed draconian sanctions to punish the Venezuelan people for supporting their revolutionary process and national independence.

This kind of bipartisan criminality took an even more bizarre turn last week when members from both parties demanded Israel be protected when the International Criminal Court announced it was considering investigating Israel for war crimes against Palestinians.

For the people of the world, it is quite clear the United States is the primary threat to global peace. It is also clear to us it doesn’t matter who physically sits in the white people’s house because the commitment to protecting and advancing the objective interests of the capitalist ruling class will continue unless the organized masses meet them with an effective countervailing power.

The predatory relationship between the U.S. and the rest of humanity is best captured in Trump’s “America First” policy. This is not in any way a departure from post-World War II U.S. policies, just a cruder statement of fact absent the liberal subterfuge.

Polls each year have shown the international public sees the United States as the greatest threat to peace. The U.S. sanctions regime continuing to target more than 30 countries—even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic—reinforces that perception.

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) supports the only solution: Seizing the U.S. capitalist oligarchy’s destructive power for the good of humanity. But that will not happen through appeals to their morality because they are driven by profits. It is a parasitic system that needs, as Malcolm X said, some blood to suck.


Tunde Osazua, coordinator of BAP’s U.S. Out of Africa Network (USOAN), and Netfa Freeman, Co Coordinator of BAP’s Africa Team, take on U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and, by extension, the entire Congress for their support of the expansion of U.S. military force in Africa and military actions that have caused African deaths and political destabilization. Netfa was interviewed 30 minutes into Sputnik Radio’s “The Critical Hour with Dr. Wilmer Leon” about this article.

Margaret Kimberley, Black Agenda Report Senior Editor and BAP Coordinating Committee member, condemns the liberal left for its silence on a U.S. mercenary plot interrupted in Venezuela.

BAP National Organizer Ajamu Baraka explains how cross-class white solidarity allowed Trump to build bipartisan consensus to support completing the Obama administration’s aggressive “Pivot to Asia” program.

Tunde was interviewed about BAP’s position on U.S. domestic repression of African/Black people, AFRICOM and U.S.-China tensions related to Africa 32 minutes into the “Class Wars” radio program, which was broadcast on WVKR 91.3 FM (Poughkeepsie, New York), WIOF 104.1 FM (Woodstock, New York) and the Progressive Radio Network.

Kristian Davis Bailey, one of the founders of “Black for Palestine,” wrote about the Black perspective on Israel and Palestine for the 72nd anniversary of the Nakba, the 1948 military removal of 750,000 Palestinians off their land.

Historian and author Eric Zuesse argues the international community will only be able to address U.S. crimes in Iraq when U.S. officials are held accountable.


  • May 23: The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) and the Maryland Council of Elders will hold a webinar to commemorate the upcoming African Liberation Day. BAP member organization Pan-African Community Action (PACA) has been invited to speak.

  • May 25: The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (A-APRP) and the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union (A-AWRU) are hosting a webinar on African Liberation Day. The theme is “Imperialist Sanctions on Zimbabwe, Cuba and Venezuela are Acts of War: Africans Everywhere Must Fight!”

  • June 12-14: The Black Is Back Coalition’s online electoral school, “The Ballot or the Bullet: Putting Black Self-Determination on the Ballot,” will focus on the COVID-19 impact.


  • Have you signed our petition to demand 2020 U.S. candidates take a position against war, militarism and repression? Take your anti-war activism further by asking your local, state and federal candidates to sign BAP’s 2020 Candidate Accountability Pledge. If you are a candidate, distinguish yourself from the other corporate warmongering candidates by signing the pledge. Check out BAP’s campaign and take action.

  • BAP member Efia Nwangaza, founder of the Greenville, South Carolina-based Malcolm X Center for Self-Determination and its community radio station, WMXP, are facing their most serious challenge. The station has always depended on contributions from listeners and supporters. During this economic crisis, fundraising has dried up, putting the station in danger of shutting down. We call on everyone reading this newsletter to take a minute to give whatever you can to save an institution that has been around for over a decade. Sister Efia has been in this movement for over 50 years, so we must show her our love and appreciation. She needs at least $2,500 by Friday. Scroll to the bottom of her website to donate.

No Compromise, No Retreat!

Struggle to win,
Ajamu, Brandon, Dedan, Jaribu, Margaret, Netfa, Paul, Vanessa, YahNé

P.S. Freedom isn’t free. Consider giving today.

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