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Remember to tell governments to oppose genocide, and the U.S. government to stop arming it.
Marking International Women’s Day (March 8), this year’s “Women & War” virtual film festival from March 9-23, 2024, explores the intersection of women, war, and militarized masculinity.
After years of struggle, supported by World BEYOND War and others, the Save Sinjajevina campaign has met with the Prime Minister of Montenegro and gained his promise that there will be no military training ground built at Sinjajevina. This was to have been a massive and destructive project for the benefit of NATO and the U.S. military. It now seems clear that it will not happen.
WBW Action Reports:
Cameroon: 30 Young Web Influencers for Peace Trained
New Zealand: John Reuwer’s Tour Energizes Peace Activism
El Salvador: WBW’s New Chapter in the News
Canada: In the Streets, and Out of the Banks
Wisconsin: Will You Free My Palestine?
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July 6-7: No to NATO, Yes to Peace
#NoWar 2024 on September 20-22, 2024:
Put these dates in your calendar! Our annual conference will include real-world events on multiple continents, all livestreamed on Zoom to everywhere.
Our auction will be in May. Do you have an item or experience you’d like to donate? Contact: alex@worldbeyondwar.org
News from Around the World:
Fredrik S. Heffermehl 1938-2023
Protesting Israel’s War in Ukraine
Wage Peace Activist Margaret Pestorius on Police Framing Antiwar Actions as Violence
Talk World Radio: The People of Pakistan Are Not Accepting the U.S. Coup
Both Sides Are Dead Wrong About NATO
World BEYOND War Thanks Nicaragua for Standing Against Genocide
Open Letter: Civil Society Coalition Urges Canada to Stop Arms Transfers to Israel
Peace Activist Challenges Kiwis to Think of a World BEYOND War
What Can We Do Locally for Peace? David Swanson Meets With Michigan Peace Council
Language Use about Gaza: Ten Urgent Suggestions
U.S. Chooses Genocide Over Diplomacy in the Middle East
Victory in Court: Holloman 5 Anti-Drone Heroes Set Free
The Real Harvard Scandal: A Henry A. Kissinger Professorship of Statecraft and World Order
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World BEYOND War | PO Box 152, Toronto PO E, ON, M6H 4E2 Canada
World BEYOND War | CC Unicentro Bógota, Local 2-222 | Postal Code (Apartado Postal): 358646 Colombia