WBW News & Action: a Permanent Humanitarian Pause from War

Read our email newsletter from November 27, 2023.

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Help us tell the governments of the U.S., China, France, Japan, Spain, Germany, Italy, and Saudi Arabia to close their bases in Djibouti.

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WBW has launched a chapter in Mexico.

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We’re hiring in Washington DC and Madison Wisc.

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Volunteer Spotlight: La Paz Bolivia Chapter Coordinator Silvia Raquel Mejía Laura.

This WBW chapter makes peace wreaths. Try this where you are.

News from Around the World:

Colonies of the U.S. Empire: Will the Cocos Islands Become the New Diego Garcia?

Un Ministerio Para la Paz en Colombia

We Expand Our Work for Peace in Latin America

Why Not Knowing How Israel Was Created Matters

Pentagonism Prevails

New Online Course on War and Mental Health

In Toronto: Jews Say No to Genocide Coalition Condemns Arrests In Regards to Indigo Postering, Calls for All Charges to be Dropped

Gorilla Radio with Kathy Kelly on Gaza

Tunnels for Safety and Tunnels for Death

The Violence Problem as Seen from Charlottesville

Merchants of Death Video: Somalia, the U.S. Military, and Oil

Talk World Radio: Peter Manos on Choosing Between ICBMs and Humanity

Gaza, The Ghetto

From Gaza With Rage

Grieving for the Children: Take Action NOW

Nonviolent Activists Shut Down General Dynamics Nuclear Submarine Facility in New London, CT

Denunciation to the International Criminal Court for genocide and other crimes (art. 15.1)

The Carnage in Gaza Cries Out for Repudiation and Opposition. Maybe Poetry Can Help.

Why the U.S. Military Is In Syria

10 Embarrassment-Free Methods of Flipping to Peace on Ukraine

Mokhiber: U.S. Officials Can Be Prosecuted for Complicity in Israel’s Genocide in Palestine

Open Letter from a Ukrainian Facing Prison for Speaking for Peace

Australian Arms Exports to Israel in Focus Amid Court Case, Port Protests

The United States’ Forever Wars Yield a 75,000% Increase in Terror Attacks

There Is No Right Side in War

Israeli War Crimes and Propaganda Follow U.S. Blueprint

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.
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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada
World BEYOND War | CC Unicentro Bógota, Local 2-222 | Postal Code (Apartado Postal): 358646 Colombia

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