Un Ministerio Para la Paz en Colombia

By Gabriele Aguirre, World BEYOND War, November 16, 2023

Cómo parte de un trabajo de investigación de un conjunto de expertos en construcción de Paz y la Alianza Global para Ministerios e Infraestructuras para la Paz (GAMIP), presentó el pasado jueves 9 de noviembre un documento para proponer un proyecto de ley ante el Congreso de la República de Colombia, para la creación de un Ministerio de Paz.

La audiencia pública inició con la participación de Alicia Cabezudo, coordinadora general del capítulo de América Latina y el Caribe de GAMIP, quien destacó que este trabajo se estuvo realizando durante 1 año, bajo el interés de estudiar la experiencia de otras infraestructuras de Paz en el mundo, con el objetivo de aportar herramientas para la creación de este Ministerio de Paz en Colombia.

Durante el desarrollo del evento participaron diferentes expertos, en el área quienes hablaron de los hallazgos obtenidos durante la investigación y dieron aportes importantes, sobre el funcionamiento de este Ministerio en Colombia. La actividad contó también con las intervenciones de varios senadores y representantes quienes se sumaron de manera activa para que este proyecto sea discutido en el congreso.

World BEYOND War, cómo organización que se opone a la guerra y trabaja en la construcción de una cultura de Paz, también se ha sumado a la declaración de GAMIP que promueve y respalda la creación de este Ministerio de Paz. En el acto se hizo presente el organizador para América Latina de WBW, Gabriel Aguirre, para transmitir su saludo a los presentes y nuestro deseo e interés de acompañar esta gran iniciativa, para la consecución de una paz con justicia social en Colombia.


A Ministry for Peace in Colombia
By Gabriel Aguirre, World BEYOND War, November 16, 2023

As part of a research work by a group of experts in Peacebuilding and the Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP), presented last Thursday, November 9, a document to propose a bill before the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, for the creation of a Ministry of Peace.

The public hearing began with the participation of Alicia Cabezudo, general coordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean chapter of GAMIP, who highlighted that this work had been carried out for 1 year, with the interest of studying the experience of other Peace infrastructures in the world, with the aim of providing tools for the creation of this Ministry of Peace in Colombia.

During the development of the event, different experts in the area participated, who spoke about the findings obtained during the investigation and gave important contributions about the functioning of this Ministry in Colombia. The activity also included the interventions of several senators and representatives who actively joined so that this project was discussed in congress.

World BEYOND War, as an organization that opposes war and works to build a culture of Peace, has also joined the GAMIP declaration that promotes and supports the creation of this Ministry of Peace. The organizer for Latin America of WBW, Gabriel Aguirre, was present at the event to convey his greetings to those present and our desire and interest to accompany this great initiative, to achieve peace with social justice in Colombia.


2 Responses

  1. Great news! Does that mean that Columbia now is about established a Ministry for Peace? Is it possible to read the one year study carried out by Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP)? Best regards from Norway, the first country in the world to establish a Ministry for Environment – in 1974.
    In 2018 WILPF-Norway/ Bergen collaborated with a trainee, master i Peace Studies Lea Dupouy, who wrote a study based among others on an interview with Johan Galtung, the Norwegian grand old man of Peacestudies. The study is called “To give Peace a Seat”. You can find it here: https://www.ikff.no/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/To_give_Peace_a_Seat_190429_Lea-Dupouy.pdf
    We have also established a shadow-peace-minister – with diffrent people invited to be ‘Tthe Peace-Minister of the Month’ writing a column. You can find some in English here – for August and September ’23: https://www.ikff.no/fredsministerens-hjorne/

  2. Great news! Does that mean that Columbia now is about to establish a Ministry for Peace? Is it possible to read the one year study carried out by Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP)? Best regards from Norway, the first country in the world to establish a Ministry for Environment – in 1974. In 2018 WILPF-Norway/ Bergen collaborated with a trainee, master i Peace Studies Lea Dupouy, who wrote a study based among others on an interview with Johan Galtung, the Norwegian grand old man of Peacestudies. The study is called “To give Peace a Seat”. You can find it here: https://www.ikff.no/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/To_give_Peace_a_Seat_190429_Lea-Dupouy.pdf We have also established a shadow-peace-minister – with diffrent people invited to be ‘Tthe Peace-Minister of the Month’ writing a column. You can find some in English here – for August and September ’23: https://www.ikff.no/fredsministerens-hjorne/

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