By Gorilla Radio, November 23, 2023
This assault being waged against human decency in Palestine is a test; a test to gauge how much atrocity we watching will countenance. What we’ve allowed befall others in Yugoslavia, and Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine, and elsewhere has metastasized, becoming finally the full-blown horror of Gaza. And it’s a horror that will, if we allow it continue over there, in due course return to be visited upon us as well.
So, why is it allowed time and again? And, who profits this belittlement of humanity?
Kathy Kelly is a long-time peace and justice activist, essayist, author, and recipient of numerous awards for her peace service, including multiple nominations for the Nobel Peace prize. Kathy’s book titles include, ‘Prisoners on Purpose: a Peacemakers Guide to Jails and Prison,’ and ‘Other Lands Have Dreams: from Baghdad to Pekin Prison.’
These days she’s serving as Board President at World BEYOND War, where among other things, she’s been busy co-coordinating the November 2023 Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal. The Tribunal launched Sunday, November 12, with the first segment examining the wanton and repeated criminality of the destruction of Gaza.