The Fifth Edition of A Global Security System: An Alternative to War (AGSS) is now available! AGSS is World BEYOND War’s blueprint for an alternative security system – one in which peace is pursued by peaceful means. Get your copy:
- PDF in high resolution with hyperlinks is available here.
- Buy print version at your local bookstore or online at Powell’s or Amazon. (The distributor is Ingram — print ISBN: 978-1-7347837-7-3 / e-book ISBN: 978-1-7347837-6-6.)
- Buy 10 or more for a discount here.
- Get the ePub (used by Barnes and Noble and Apple) here.
- Get the Mobi (used by Amazon’s Kindle) here.
- Audio book.
The International Day of Peace was first celebrated in 1982, and is recognized by many nations and organizations with events all over the world every September 21st, including day-long pauses in wars that reveal how easy it would be to have year-long or forever-long pauses in wars. Here is information on this year’s day of peace from the UN.
This year on the International Day of Peace, Monday, September 21, 2020, World BEYOND War is organizing an online screening of the film “We Are Many.” Get your tickets here. (September 21, 8 p.m. ET [UTC-4])
You’re also invited to these events:
September 21, 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. PT (UTC-8) Defund War. Climate Justice Now! An International Peace Day Webinar with Aliénor Rougeot, the Toronto coordinator of Fridays for Future, a worldwide youth movement bringing over 13 million students together in massive coordinated strikes to demand bold climate action, and John Foster, energy economist with more than 40 years’ experience in issues of petroleum and global conflict. Register.
September 21, 6-7 p.m. ET (UTC-4) Poetry Reading with Doug Rawlings and Richard Sadok. Register.
September 21-24, Digital Summit: Sustainable Development Impact Summit. Register.
Find more events or add events here.
Also check out the Global Peace Film Festival September 21 – October 4 here.
At all of these events, including online events, we hope to see everyone wearing sky blue scarves symbolizing our life beneath one blue sky and our vision of a world beyond war. Get scarves here.
You can also wear peace shirts, hold a bell ringing ceremony (everyone everywhere at 10 a.m.), or erect a peace pole.
On October 5, we will launch a brand new 6-week online course debunking misunderstandings about World War II that are often used to justify militarism. WWII happened in a very different world from today’s, was not fought to rescue anyone from persecution, was not necessary for defense, was the most damaging and destructive event yet to occur, and could have been prevented by avoiding any of several bad decisions.
Everyone registered for the course will receive PDF, ePub, and mobi (kindle) versions of David Swanson’s new book Leaving World War II Behind, which will provide additional reading to those who want to go beyond the written, video, and graphic materials provided in the course.
Learn more and reserve your spot.
Watch this video about the course and please share it:
Volunteer Spotlight: Bob McKechnie.
This month’s volunteer spotlight features Bob McKechnie, a co-coordinator of our California chapter. Bob says, “[T]he pandemic has clarified one daunting reality, my mortality. If I’m ever going to impact the world in positive ways, it has to be now. Time is limited….Demand change.”
We now have our shirts in many languages. Check them out! Just a few examples:
Why just wear a mask when you can also make a point?
Find upcoming events on the events list and map here. Most of them are now online events that can be participated in from anywhere on earth.
News from Around the World
Kafka On Acid: The Trial Of Julian Assange
Germany: US Nuclear Weapons Shamed in Nationwide Debate
Worldwide Peace Manifesto 2020, a message to all world leaders
Peace Education, Not Patriotic Education
Ex-Salvadoran Colonel Jailed For 1989 Murder Of Spanish Jesuits
The U.S. Government Should Be Supporting International Law – Not Undermining It
Six Reasons Julian Assange Should Be Thanked, Not Punished
What Does WWII Have To Do With Military Spending
Talk Nation Radio: Tunde Osazua on the U.S. Militarization of Africa
Demilitarize! Joining the BLM & Anti-War Movements
Costs of War: After 9/11 Attacks, U.S. Wars Displaced At Least 37 Million People Around The World
The Ongoing And Unjustifiable Persecution Of Julian Assange
Okinawans, Hawaiians To Speak At United Nations
More Power To The Pushers In Solar Revolution
Menwith Hill: NSA’s Largest Overseas Spying Base
Millions Displaced By U.S. Combat Since 9/11
“Foreign Policy Of This Country Has To Reject US Exceptionalism”
2020 Nuclear Free Future Award Winners Are Announced
Video From Norway: Time For Change: From Crisis And Militarism To Peace And Welfare
WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.
World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
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