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peace activist Bruce Kent

Obituary: Bruce Kent

Bruce Kent was inspirational – both by example, and with his knack of encouraging people to be involved, and to achieve more than they thought they could.

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protestors with campaign nonviolence poster
Culture of Peace

We Need a Culture of Nonviolence

Our society is defined by a culture of violence. This year, Campaign Nonviolence’s Action Days aim to build momentum toward a radical, nonviolent future.

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Banksy peace dove
Culture of Peace

Reimagining Peace as a Rejection of a Militarized Status Quo

What does peace mean in a world with endless war and militarism? Dianne Otto reflects on the “specific social and historical circumstances that profoundly influence how we think about [peace and war].” She pulls from feminist­ and queer perspectives to imagine what peace could mean independent of a war system and militarization.

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VIDEO: Engaging Youth in Countering Militarism

In this panel, we explore how activists might leverage these insights to advocate for change. Our speakers, activists from youth-led organizations, will address how activists on the ground can work together to hold their states accountable for arms exports to conflict areas.

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antiwar conference logo - US Military in Pacific
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VIDEO: US Military in the Pacific: DSA Anti-War Conference

DSA International Committee organized an anti-war conference on May 18, 2022 to highlight the history, ongoing contemporary struggles, and local resistance by anti-war organizers, indigenous activists, environmentalists, socialists, and other progressive forces in the Pacific opposed to US militarism, occupation, and imperialism.

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