VIDEO: US Military in the Pacific: DSA Anti-War Conference

by DSA International Committee, May 27, 2022

DSA International Committee organized an anti-war conference on May 18, 2022 to highlight the history, ongoing contemporary struggles, and local resistance by anti-war organizers, indigenous activists, environmentalists, socialists, and other progressive forces in the Pacific opposed to US militarism, occupation, and imperialism. Join local organizers in the Pacific to hear about campaigns, strategies, and tactics for opposing militarization and growing the left anti-war and anti-imperialist movement.

For more information:


  • Mark Tseng-Putterman (History)
  • Dae-Han Song (South Korea)
  • Seishi Hinada (Japan)
  • Sarah Raymundo (Philippines)
  • Lisa Natividad (Guam)
  • Keoni DeFranco (Hawai’i)

Event cosponsored by Codepink, World Beyond War, Nodutdol, No Cold War, Massachusetts Peace Action, and The Red Nation.

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