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Around the world we’re rallying for peace in Palestine. Some reports:
Media Reports on WBW Blocking Weapons Company in Toronto
TV Coverage of Demonstration for Gaza in Bogotá
200 Workers Block Access to Toronto Weapons-Maker L3Harris
Movilización en Bogotá Para Detener la Guerra en Palestina
“Jews Say No to Genocide” Takes Over Major Train Station in Toronto
Register for an online book club:
- The Cost of Loyalty: Dishonesty, Hubris, and Failure in the U.S. Military, with the author Tim Bakken.
- Tracing Homelands: Israel, Palestine, and the Claims of Belonging, with the author Linda Dittmar.
- War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, with the co-author Nicolas J.S. Davies.
Find events and add your own events!
Nov. 23-25: Imagine Africa Beyond War Conference
News from Around the World:
Video of Debate on Ukraine in Madison Wisconsin on November 12
Talk World Radio: Mairead Maguire on Ending the Current Wars
Armistice Day, The Chicago Lawyer Who Banned War, and Why Wars Keep Happening
Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal Video of Opening Session
Bury the Monroe Doctrine at the University of Virginia
A Restoration of Armistice Day, and a History of the Only Two World Wars We Can Survive
A Global Monroe Doctrine Needs a Global Armistice
The World Needs an Armistice Day
Making Peace and Unmaking Prejudice
War Abolition and the Ukraine Problem
Protesters of Raytheon’s War Profiteering Arrested in Arlington, Va.
Un Trabajo Desde las Bases Para Acabar con la Guerra y la Violencia en Soacha
The Monroe Doctrine and the Roots of U.S. Hegemony
VIDEO: Teaching Peace Amidst Conflicts and Postcolonialism
VIDEO: Perspectives on Global & Local Applications of Common Security & Human Security
An Offering for the Signatories of the Peace Agreement Murdered in Colombia
WORT 89.9FM — A Conversation with David Swanson on Peace
Video of Yurii Sheliazhenko Speaking to the United Nations
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.
World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada