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protesting against CANSEC

Protest Denounces CANSEC Arms Trade Show

World arms manufacturers have been raking in record profits this year thanks to conflicts around the world which have brought misery to hundreds of thousands. They will be gathering in Ottawa next week for Canada’s largest trade show.

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large meeting at United Nations

Double-Standards at the UN Human Rights Council

It is no secret that the UN Human Rights Council essentially serves the interests of the Western developed countries and does not have a holistic approach to all human rights. Blackmail and bullying are common practices, and the US has proven that it has sufficient “soft power” to cajole weaker countries.

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map of western sahara

What If Western Saharans Mattered?

Somebody explain to me why U.S. citizens should have to abandon their lives and go sit by as shields, as lives-that-matter, in Western Sahara, to prevent the thugs of a corrupt billionaire from brutalizing people with U.S. weapons and U.S. backing.

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