WBW News & Action: WATER!

Join World BEYOND War for our 2nd annual virtual film festival! This year’s festival explores the intersection of militarism & water, survival & resistance, in the lead-up to World Water Day on March 22. Register!

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How can we become more effective advocates and activists for ending particular wars, ending all wars, pursuing disarmament, and creating systems that maintain peace? These questions and more will be explored in War Abolition 101: How We Create a Peaceful World.

Feb. 23: Can War Ever Be Justified: an online debate between Mark Welton and David Swanson

No War In Ukraine: Sign the Petition!

U.S. Military Out of Okinawa!

Don’t Get Yanked into War With China!

Book Club on U.S.-Russia Citizen Diplomacy Successes: Learn More!

Other upcoming book clubs here.

In Nigeria, WBW mentor Allwell Akhigbe and student Tolulope Oluwafemi just got married!


Upcoming events list.


Upcoming webinars:

Wednesday Webinars

Feb. 22: The Military Industrial Complex and our Culture

Feb. 22: Gathering of Antiwar Forces

Feb. 24: Verses versus War, featuring poets George Elliott Clarke and Gary Geddes

Recent Webinar Videos:

Water Is Life!

Afghanistan Valentine’s Day

Que Es Cultura de Paz

In Conversation With Niamh Ni Briain and Nick Buxton

All past webinar videos.

Volunteer Spotlight: Sean Reynolds: This month’s volunteer spotlight features Sean Reynolds, a former co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence who assists on WBW’s events team. Read Sean’s story!

News from Around the World:

No War in Ukraine

Threatened or Actual Harm Can Provoke an Adversary Rather Than Coerce Them

What Russia and Ukraine Could Do Better

What Is Going to Happen in Ukraine?

Will Truth Invade Ukraine?

Forty Organizations Urge Congress Not to Make Yemen Even Worse

John Reuwer: Ukraine Conflict Reminds Vermonters We Can Make A Difference

Independent American and Russian Women Call for Peace

Ukrainian Pacifist’s Message to the World: U.S., NATO & Russia Share Responsibility to Avoid War

Rest in Power, Frank.

Talk World Radio: Jonathan Katz on What You Don’t Know About Smedley Butler

VIDEO: Ray McGovern Sheds Light on Ukraine Showdown

But How Do You Stop Putin and the Taliban?

NO MORE WAR IN EUROPE An Appeal for Civic Action in Europe and Beyond

What the Cuban Missile Crisis can Teach Us about today’s Ukraine Crisis

VIDEO: Ukraine: The Next NATO War?

Wave of Coups Disrupts Africa as U.S.-Trained Soldiers Play Key Role in Overthrowing Governments

Memo to Congress: Diplomacy for Ukraine Is Spelled M-i-n-s-k

Fly the Earth Flag Above National Flags

VIDEO: Interview: Ukrainian Pacifist Movement Leader

What Your Belief in War Against Putin Owes to Male Violence Even If You’re Not Male

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.
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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada

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