WBW News & Action: How to Change the Mind of a War Supporter

How to Change the Mind of a War Supporter
Believe it or not, most people can be persuaded by new information that war needs to be abolished. Not all people at all times. Irrationality exists; we’re aware. But the vast majority of people at World BEYOND War events are moved significantly from where they were upon arrival. Knowing how to persuade people that it’s time to abolish war is a skill we’d love for you to have. Here’s where you can get it.

Key Step to Clean Up Vieques Survives in Catastrophically Awful Military BillIf one of the worst pieces of legislation ever drafted becomes law, there is one small measure in it that we can be pleased with. RootsAction.org and World BEYOND War and many other organizations and activists from Puerto Rico and the rest of the United States and beyond urged Congress through a petition and a variety of lobbying approaches to provide $10 million for the purchase of closed detonation chambers in the clean-up of military contamination in Vieques, Puerto Rico. Read more.

New Fact Sheets: Sanctions
We’re excited to announce the publication of World BEYOND War’s new three-part series of fact sheets on the impact of sanctions in Iraq, Cuba, and North Korea. You can view and download the fact sheets for free from our website. A huge shout-out to volunteers Ben, Gayle, Gar, Joanne, Emily, Eleanor, and Alice for their assistance with meticulous research, writing, editing, and graphic design for this fact sheet series. The fact sheets are designed as printable handouts that can be used for tabling events, lobby meetings, and much more. For questions or more information about our peace education programs and volunteer opportunities, email Greta at greta@worldbeyondwar.org.

Meet WBW Co-Founder David Hartsough!
Kick off 2020 with 2 special events featuring World BEYOND War Co-Founder David Hartsough! Our Central Florida Chapter is hosting David on January 14 in The Villages and on January 16 in Summerfield. David Hartsough is a lifelong activist and peace worker. He is the executive director of Peaceworkers, based in San Francisco, and is a co-founder of the Nonviolent Peaceforce. He is a Quaker and member of the San Francisco Friends Meeting. David has been working actively and internationally for nonviolent social change and peaceful resolution of conflicts since he met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in 1956.

Peace, Love, & Pizza Boogie
The Central Florida Chapter held its first annual “Peace, Love, and Pizza Boogie” so chapter members could have some holiday fun and raise funds to support chapter activities. More than 40 members showed up and enjoyed the festivities and the music played by our own chapter DJ, Paul Pudillo. The event attracted some new members and set the standard for future FUNdraisers.

What Do You Give to Someone Who Has Everything Except Peace?
You can make a donation in their name to World BEYOND War. Support from our donors is critical to helping us create the important systemic change that is essential to the sustainability of our global community and planet. When you make a gift in someone’s name, we will send them a card thanking them for their support.

#NoWar2020: May 26-31, 2020

We’re converging on Ottawa this May 26-31 for #NoWar2020 to say NO to CANSEC, Canada’s biggest annual weapons expo. RSVP for our 5th annual global conference. #CancelCANSEC

Volunteer Spotlight:
Leah Bolger

This week’s volunteer spotlight features Leah Bolger. She worked for the U.S. Navy for 20 years. She then became the first woman national president of Veterans For Peace, and is now WBW’s Board President. Read her story.

New Twin Ports Chapter
Our new Twin Ports chapter meets up in Duluth, Minnesota, braving the snowy winter weather to come together for their World BEYOND War chapter meeting.

Divest Philly Holiday Party!
You’re invited to our end-of-year holiday party on December 21 in Philly! We’ll celebrate another year of hard work and successes, as we campaign to divest Philly from the war machine. RSVP. And share on Facebook!

Should Trump’s Be the Only Budget Proposal in the 2020 U.S. Election?
Donald Trump has a budget proposal that gives over 60% to militarism. None of his Democratic opponents has a proposal. Let’s ask them to show us the budgets they want.

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