WBW News & Action: Defunding War, Funding Peace

Giving Tuesday is Tomorrow!

Giving Tuesday is tomorrow! It’s a global day of giving back to support the causes that are most dear to us. With membership in 175 countries worldwide, World BEYOND War is the leading global grassroots network calling for war abolition.

Here’s a recap of what we’ve accomplished in 2019: Our book won the Educator’s Challenge Award from the Global Challenges Foundation, and we translated an abridged version into 6 languages. Hundreds of people enrolled in our two online courses: War Abolition 101 and 201. We launched a podcast; released a fact sheet series; published the Peace Almanac; initiated and led a successful campaign to divest Charlottesville from fossil fuels and weapons; and organized our first conference in Europe.

Help us sustain this momentum and win more victories in 2020!

Phill Gittins is World BEYOND War’s New Education Director

Phill Gittins, PhD, is World BEYOND War’s Education Director. He has 15+ years’ programming, analysis, and leadership experience in the areas of peace, education, and youth. He has particular expertise in context-specific approaches to peace programming; peacebuilding education; and youth inclusion in research and action.

To date, he has lived, worked, and travelled in over 50 countries across 6 continents; taught in schools, colleges, and universities in eight countries; and led experiential training and training-of-trainers for hundreds of individuals on peace and conflict processes. Other experience includes work in youth offending prisons; oversight management for youth and community projects; and consultation for public and non-profit organisations on peace, education, and youth issues.

Phill has received multiple awards for his contributions to peace and conflict work, including the Rotary Peace Fellowship and the Kathryn Davis Fellow for Peace. He is also a Peace Ambassador for the Institute for Economics and Peace. He earned his PhD in International Conflict Analysis, MA in Education, and a BA in Youth and Community Studies.

He also holds postgraduate qualifications in Peace and Conflict Studies, Education and Training, and Teaching in Higher Education.

Contact Phill about planning educational events, our online courses, our written materials, and any other questions you have at phill@worldbeyondwar.org

#NoWar2020: May 26-31, 2020
We’re converging on Ottawa this May 26-31 for #NoWar2020 to say NO to CANSEC, Canada’s biggest annual weapons expo. RSVP for our 5th annual global conference. #CancelCANSEC

World BEYOND War Books Available to Order:

The Peace Almanac

A Global Security System: An Alternative to War

Campaign launched in heart of the war industry, Arlington, Virginia, to divest public dollars from weapons and fossil fuels.

Modeled on our successful campaign in Charlottesville, Virginia, we’ve begun an effort to move Arlington County to divest public funds from fossil fuels and weapons. We can help anyone do this anywhere. Get in touch. Take a look at our Arlington and Charlottesville websites.

Volunteer Spotlight

Meet Al Mytty, WBW’s Central Florida chapter coordinator, based in The Villages, FL. His story is featured in this week’s volunteer spotlight here.

Updates from Central Florida

This month, the World BEYOND War-Central Florida chapter hosted an event about WBW Co-Founder David Swanson’s book, War Is A Lie. Following a video presentation and discussion, the group members tested their anti-war activism skills with a quiz. The chapter is also organizing a “Peace, Love, and Pizza Boogie” on December 6 in The Villages, FL.

Take action in your town! Email greta@worldbeyondwar.org to get started.

New 1-Hour Video of Highlights of #NoWar2019

Here’s a new 1-hour video of some of the highlights at our recent global conference in Ireland. Viewing and discussing it can make for a great event anyone can host.

New 6-Minute Video: How to Start a WBW Chapter

Helen Peacock started a chapter of World BEYOND War and has great insights on how to do it in this video.

Treat yourself or others to a World BEYOND War shirt or get one as a thank you when you become a recurring donor.

See what else is in the World BEYOND War Store.

News from Around the World

Henoko-Oura Bay Coastal Waters: Japan’s First Hope Spot

Experts’ Letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson and President Donald J. Trump Supporting the Exiled Chagossian People

South Africa Blocks Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates

Iraqis Rise Up Against 16 Years of ‘Made in the USA’ Corruption

It’s Time. End the Draft, Once and for All

Why Trump’s Drone War Shows He Wants American Global Supremacy

Trump Was Right: NATO Should Be Obsolete

What Do Iraqi Protesters Want?

Talk Nation Radio: Misagh Parsa on Protests in Iran

A Message From Bolivia

WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.

World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA

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