World BEYOND War Turns 10 Years Old

By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, January 3, 2024

This month is World BEYOND War’s 10th anniversary! Thanks in large part to you, we have been educating and activating people in a growing war abolition / peace creation movement for 10 years. We are very far from finishing our project of ending all war, but we have accomplished a great deal, honed our skills, and steadily accelerated our rate of growth without ever compromising our vision of a sustainable nonviolent world achieved through nonviolent education and action.

Check out this wonderful new video that highlights our work these past 10 years. Feel free to share it with others!

If you’re inspired to do more with us for peace on Earth, here are some ideas:

If you haven’t, please be sure to sign and share the Declaration of Peace.

You can do any number of online actions here.

There are a great many ways, large and small, that we can all help create a World BEYOND War. Please fill out this form to let us know what interests you.

Find action campaigns you can participate in here.

Find educational courses here.

See upcoming events here.

World BEYOND War is a grassroots network of chapters and affiliates around the world. Search the map to find a chapter/affiliate in your area, or start your own chapter!

Support this movement with a donation.


7 Responses

  1. Isn’t there a little typo on this initial line of this page: “By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, January 3, 2023”?

    The year is 2024 now.

  2. Ante todo un cordial saludo.

    Creo que el militarismo tal como es llevado hoy en dia es nocivo para todos, la formacion castrense debiera incluir el hacernos ver como soldados al servicio humanitario, si estas bases militares fueran usadas como centros de acopio para servicios humanitarios, eso resultaria una mejor defensa y colaboracion internacional, la guerra es la madre de todos los males. Basandose en una accion coordinada entre nuestras naciones donde el respeto a la identidad propia y una justa distribucion de los recursos naturales de nuestro planeta y la utilizacion de energias no contaminantes podria combatirse la contaminacion y la hambruna. Para lograr una paz verdadera y solidad se necesita garantizar el bienestar de todos los habitantes de la Madre Tierra y eso solo se lograra basandonos en el comportamiento humanitario.

  3. Happy 10th Anniversary to World Beyond War! This video and website showcase the fruition of years of dedication, work and inspiration. Huge thanks to David Swanson for his leadership throughout and to all of the World Beyond War staff, supporters, volunteers, promoters and donors!
    I’m sending an anniversary donation as an expression of my appreciation and gratitude for World Beyond War’s amazing contribution to the Peace Movement in the United States and beyond.
    Camille Russell, member of Peace Fresno – a World Beyond War affiliate

  4. I have been feeding orphans since my visit to gaza in 2006 and 2009….heartbreaking that most r dead now… Will this genocide ever stop.

    If we had lost the Battle of Britainin WWII and the Germans had occupied UK, would we all be calmly speaking German or resisting the occupiers….. No death on eith side can justify this genocide

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