Video: We Can’t Save the Climate Without Ending War
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World BEYOND War Receives Award for its work Educating for the Abolition of War
On May 15, World BEYOND War Education Director Tony Jenkins received the Educators’ Challenge Award from the Global Challenges Foundation in partnership with the London School of Economics (LES) Institute of Global Affairs. An awards ceremony was held in London at LES where Tony presented on our educational work to abolish all war. You can watch a video of his presentation and learn more here:
Tony was among 10 finalists each of whom received $5,000 awards. Tony also received the coveted $1,000 People’s Choice Award as a result of public support of the promotional video of our entry. Tony submitted our book, “A Global Security System: An Alternative to War (AGSS)” as an educational blueprint for ending all war through the development of a cooperative, nonviolent system of global governance.
The 2018-19 edition of A Global Security System: An Alternative to War (AGSS) is now available as an audio book! The book is professionally narrated by Tim Pluta, a World BEYOND War supporter & volunteer, and produced by TuTu Studios. You can listen to a free audio sample from the book on our website and purchase your own copy for a small $5 donation. The book will also soon be available on premium prescription services including, amazon, and iTunes.
NoWar2019: Pathways to Peace
World BEYOND War’s fourth annual global conference on the abolition of war will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 5th and 6th, in Limerick, Ireland, and include a rally on the 6th at Shannon Airport, where U.S. military forces routinely pass through in violation of Irish neutrality and of laws against war. We’ll be marking the completion of the 18th year of the endless war on Afghanistan, as well as the 150th birthday of Mohandas Gandhi. See list of 2019 speakers. Sign the petition we’ll deliver in Dublin: U.S. Military Out of Ireland! See the conference agenda, get your ticket, book your room here.
Charlottesville to Vote June 3 to Divest from Weapons, Fossil Fuels
Learn more. Join the movement to divest from weaponry.
New Film: The Nuns, The Priests, and The Bombs
Learn more.
Closing Military Bases, Opening a New World
Read new article. Join the movement to close bases.
What the United States did to Iraq must not be done to Iran!
The danger has been dramatically escalated that the United States will launch yet another catastrophic war — this time against Iran.
Such a war could come by a deliberate decision, or through a series of provocations, reprisals, and misunderstandings. The latter scenario has been made more likely through threats and the positioning of weapons and troops.
President Trump has called attacking Iraq “one of the worst decisions in the history of the country.” Click here to sign a petition telling him not to make a decision that could be even worse.
The U.S. Congress has the power to prevent this looming crime against humanity. Click here to email your Representative and Senators (for U.S. residents only) telling them to cosponsor the bills that would block this war and to take other necessary steps to move us in the direction of peace.
Dress for Peace
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News from Around the World
Don’t Iraq Iran
Where Lyme Disease Came From and Why It Eludes Treatment
DECLARACIÓN FINAL Sexto Seminario Internacional de Paz y por la abolición de las bases militares extranjeras
War’s unanswered questions
Bolton’s Infatuation with the Subjugation of Iran
米政府はウィーン条約を破った — The US government has violated the Vienna Convention
I’m Julian
Talk Nation Radio: Marc Eliot Stein on Technology and Peace Activism
Venezuela Embassy Protection Collective Defies Unlawful “No Trespass” Order
The Last Death in a War is 90% Backwash
Video: Debate: Should Iran Be Sanctioned?
Humanitarian Aid Blocked from Entering Venezuelan Embassy in Washington D.C.
The U.S. Is Spending $1.25 Trillion Annually on War
World BEYOND War’s Website Translates into 125 Languages
An Inconvenient Truth Al Gore Missed
US Executive Assault on Treaties Perils Peace and Constitution
A Military Psy-Ops Campaign in the Heart of Washington is Directed at U.S. Citizens
WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.
World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
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