WBW News & Action: Peace Rising

By World BEYOND War, March 6, 2023

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Virtual Film Fest: Celebrating Stories of Nonviolence

This year’s virtual film festival from March 11-25 explores the power of nonviolent action. A unique mix of films explores this theme, from Gandhi’s Salt March, to ending war in Liberia, to civil discourse and healing in Montana. Each week, we’ll host a live Zoom discussion with key representatives from the films and special guests to answer your questions and explore the topics addressed in the films. Learn more & get tickets!


Learn about and register for our next book club, or for any future book club.

It’s time to end the war in Ukraine!

Register for a six-week, self-paced, online course on War and the Environment here.

Okinawa Rallies for Peace.

Help us reach our goal of 5K signatures by signing and sharing Demilitarise Education’s petition in support of getting the arms trade out of education. Ask UK Universities to end their partnerships with the global arms trade and instead champion peace. Sign here!

Peace rallies are growing and spreading, and will be held in locations around the world on March 18!

Upcoming events list.

WBW is hiring a Latin America Organizer: apply here.

Solicitud de empleo: Organizador para World BEYOND War

Edward Horgan protesting with World BEYOND War and #NoWar2019 outside Shannon Airport in 2019
Edward Horgan protesting with World BEYOND War and #NoWar2019 outside Shannon Airport in 2019

Podcast: A Peacekeeper in Limerick

Global Days of Action on Military Spending will take place from April 13 to May 9.


No to War, No to NATO

Mayors for Peace

Ending Canada’s Armed Drone Purchase


All past webinar videos.

Nuclear Plant

Join an Unarmed Civilian Protection team to prevent a nuclear explosion in Ukraine.

Help stop U.S. and South Korean War Rehearsals:

Download a graphic. Take a selfie at home, work, or a landmark near you. Email it to  peaceptn23@gmail.com and share it with #NoWarDrill

News from Around the World:

Why Biden Snubbed China’s Ukraine Peace Plan

U.S. Imperialism as Philanthropy

The War in Ukraine: Impacts of Nonviolent Resistance and U.S. Policy Implications

Sinjajevina in Words and Images

The Ninth Anniversary of the Ukraine War

Despair and Joy

Peace in Ukraine: Humanity Is at Stake

What Did the Peace Movement Do During the Destruction of Iraq?

Audio: David Swanson on Ukraine with Jimmy Durchslag at KMUD

What to Replace the Monroe Doctrine With

Vulnerable Chinese, Vulnerable Americans

The Ukraine War Viewed from the Global South

Nations’ Governments Need Unarmed Defense Plans

Who’s Winning and Losing the Economic War Over Ukraine?

War in Ukraine and ICBMs: The Untold Story of How They Could Blow Up the World

Talk World Radio: Chas Freeman on Making Peace with China

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.

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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada

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