World BEYOND War News: Videos from #NoWar2018

#NoWar2018 was a huge success. The videos are here and can be used for local events. The theme of replacing war with the rule of law was well explored by activists and experts. We’ll be adding in the next day or so a highlights video that collects important pieces from all the others.

This event brought together new and long-time activists from around Canada and the world, formed new alliances, strategized plans for future work on education, closing bases, and divestment, and developed possible ideas for creative actions we may be writing to you about soon. We’ll be adding links to photos, videos, and reports on the #NoWar2018 website.

We spent a great deal of our small supply of money, and the event was so well done that several new allies expressed surprise that we aren’t rolling in abundant funding. We are creating a global movement for war abolition on a shoe string with three half-time staff we hope to be able to keep and add to. If you appreciate our work please support it here and forward this email far and wide.

Say No to an 18th Year of War on Afghanistan

Sign letter we’ll deliver to Trump. Join us in Washington, D.C. on October 2, 2018 at 12 noon in front of the White House, and from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Busboys and Poets, Brookland Location, 625 Monroe St NE, Washington, D.C. 2001. Speakers confirmed: Medea Benjamin, Matthew Hoh, Liz Remmerswaal, David Swanson, Brian Terrell, Ann Wright, and at the first event only: Chris J. Antal. Sign up for these free events on the World BEYOND War website and / or on Facebook (neither one is required; both are helpful).

Also in Washington, join the Women’s March on the Pentagon on October 20-21.

And on the weekend of Armistice Day, join in events everywhere on earth, and check out the newly redesigned plans for Washington since the success of getting the Trumparade cancelled.

First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases: November 16-18, 2018, Dublin, Ireland. Join us there!

Read this: Why I’m Going to Ireland to Try to Fix the United States.

Webinar: How War Threatens the Environment

One of the most destructive of human behaviors, war is a leading contributor to the growing global environmental crisis. Join us on September 27 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern for the kick-off of our autumn webinar series. We’ll hear from experts Gar Smith and Tamara Lorincz about how war – in all its stages, from the production of weapons through combat – pollutes land, air, and water, and drains limited natural resources. Register for the webinar.


A Global Security System: An Alternative to War (2018-19 Edition) is now available. AGSS is World BEYOND War’s blueprint for an alternative security system – one in which peace is pursued by peaceful means. Learn more and get yours.

Women Against War Launches Second Billboard Campaign

Women Against War, in the Capital Region of New York State, launched their second billboard campaign this September, in partnership with World BEYOND War. The billboard displays the words of Albert Einstein: “War cannot be humanized. It can only be abolished.”

Read about their campaign here, and fund a billboard in your area!


Podcast on Building a World BEYOND War

World BEYOND War’s Organizing Director Greta Zarro spoke with William Campbell of the podcast show “Challenging Opinions.”

Listen here.

David Swanson Speaking in Santa Cruz and Berkeley

Join World BEYOND War Director David Swanson in Santa Cruz on October 12 and 13, and in Berkeley on October 13.

News from around the world:

All Wars Are Illegal, So What Do We Do About It?

Health Professionals Tackle War

Korea Should Reunify Outside the Empire

Randy Forsberg and the Quest for Peace on Earth

Stop Killing and Dying in Afghanistan: Now More Than Ever

Talk Nation Radio: George Monbiot on a New Politics

Arms Manufacturers in UK Class Rooms

Giving Resistance a Good Name

Britain Exposed in Riveting UN Court Case Over Illegal Detachment of Chagos From Rest of Mauritius

Leave Syria the Hell Alone

Canadian Leftist Militarism Leaves Decency Behind

How Do Weapons Makers Sleep At Night?

Legalizing Peace Is Far from Simple

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