World BEYOND War News: new book, new billboards, new events

A Global Security System: An Alternative to War (2018-19 Edition) is now available. Get a free copy by registering and attending #NoWar2018.

AGSS is World BEYOND War’s blueprint for an alternative security system – one in which peace is pursued by peaceful means. This 4th edition features several updates to the text, as well as a new summary chart outlining the components and strategies of AGSS as well as a mind-map / flowchart that should aid readers in visualizing the interrelationships amongst all the dynamic parts of the system. Learn more and get yours.

#NoWar2018 happens in Toronto and livestreamed, September 21-22. Learn more.


New billboards are up in, among other places, New York City: see details, learn how to get billboards up near you. Ask us to help.

Support World BEYOND War in more than one way, and make lots of friends:

First International Conference Against US/NATO Military Bases: November 16-18, 2018, Dublin, Ireland. Join us there!

Read this: Why I’m Going to Ireland to Try to Fix the United States

Say No to an 18th Year of War on Afghanistan

Sign letter we’ll deliver to Trump.

Join us in Washington, D.C.

October 2, 2018

–12 noon in front of the White House

–6:30-8:30 p.m. at Busboys and Poets, Brookland Location, 625 Monroe St NE, Washington, D.C. 20017

Speakers confirmed: Sharifa Akbary, Medea Benjamin, Matthew Hoh, Liz Remmerswaal, David Swanson, Brian Terrell, Ann Wright.

Sign up for these free events on the World BEYOND War website and / or on Facebook (neither one is required; both are helpful).

News from around the world:

World Peace Through Law: Replacing War With the Global Rule of Law

New Peace Billboards Are Up in New York City

War no more | An interview with David Swanson

New Zealander Pursuing Alternatives to War

Explainer: the role of foreign military forces in Niger

The Bad, Good, and Beautiful: War and Peace Posters

Why aren’t more people freaking out about the nuclear warheads sitting 20 miles from downtown Seattle?

Debunked: 100 Years of War Lies

Afghanistan Won’t Give Up

Elizabeth Warren’s Anti Corruption Specificity Evaporates When Foreign Policy is Raised

Talk Nation Radio: Shireen Al-Adeimi on Ending the U.S.-Saudi War on Yemen

Have an Active Kellogg-Briand Day

2018 Peace Prize Awarded to David Swanson

International Criminal Court Prosecutor warns Israel about Gaza killings

Opening Minds With Billboards for Peace

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