Video: What are the 2 worst dangers we face?
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Remembering and Learning from Blase Bonpane
We are all saddened by the death of Blase Bonpane in April. Blase, who was a member of World BEYOND War’s Speakers Bureau, was a powerful writer, activist, and radio host. World BEYOND War honors his memory with a gift of one of Blase’s books to all donors in June, as long as supplies last. Donate here. Blase dedicated his life to the cause of peace and justice. He made real, significant change in our world, and he inspired many others to fight injustice at home and abroad. The mission of World BEYOND War is to be a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace. Honor the legacy of Blase Bonpane and support WBW today.
NoWar2019: Pathways to Peace
World BEYOND War’s fourth annual global conference on the abolition of war will be held on Saturday and Sunday, October 5th and 6th, in Limerick, Ireland, and include a rally on the 6th at Shannon Airport, where U.S. military forces routinely pass through in violation of Irish neutrality and of laws against war. We’ll be marking the completion of the 18th year of the endless war on Afghanistan, as well as the 150th birthday of Mohandas Gandhi. See list of 2019 speakers. Sign the petition we’ll deliver in Dublin: U.S. Military Out of Ireland! See the conference agenda, get your ticket, book your room here.
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Countering Military Recruitment in Seattle
Veterans for Peace Chapter 92 has successfully changed the Seattle School Board by-laws to limit the visits of military recruiters in the schools and provide equal access for counter-recruiters. Read their campaign story here! And take the military IQ quiz to test your knowledge! Contact us for assistance in running your own counter-recruitment campaign.
Dress for Peace
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Peace in Korea
Don’t Iraq Iran
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News from Around the World
New Zealand’s Wellbeing Budget: Shocking Rise in Military Spending
Another Empire’s Boot Stomps on Ireland
La nave saudita delle armi Bahri Yanbu ha lasciato Genova e fa rotta verso Alessandria D’Egitto
Art and Activism: World BEYOND War Podcast Featuring Kim Fraczek and Vy Vu
Global Network Russia Study Tour Declaration
Talk Nation Radio: Ross Caputi on the Sacking of Fallujah
Chemical Lobby and Health Advocates Square Off on Six PFAS-Related Bills in the US Senate
Talk Nation Radio: Danny Haiphong on American Exceptionalism and Innocence
Attacking Iran Would Risk Global Disaster
WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.
World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
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