WBW News & Action: Prosecuted for Not Killing

Read our Email newsletter from August 7, 2023.

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Ukraine is prosecuting Yurii Sheliazhenko for supporting peace. Sign the petition to support Yurii. Hear what Yurii says about it. Read about the military breaking into his apartment.

The International Summit for Peace in Ukraine, held in Vienna earlier this summer, proposed Global Days of Action, Sept. 30 – Oct. 8th, 2023. Plan a meeting, rally, forum, dramatic performance, vigil, banner-drop, tabling, teach-in, protest, art-creation, or blockading of a weapons shipment. Add it to the events page, or find one there already planned near you. If in the U.S., also add it to Peace in Ukraine Coalition. Plan and promote your actions at NoWar2023 on Sept. 22-24.

This war will end with compromise and negotiation or with nuclear apocalypse. Total defeat of either side is dramatically less likely. So, while both sides are to blame, and while most people like to blame only one side or the other, what matters right now is that both sides are insisting on unconditional surrender, which will not happen — nuclear war will happen first. We need negotiations now!

Online Book Club with David Swanson and The Monroe Doctrine at 200 and What to Replace it With: In September 2023 WBW will be holding a weekly discussion each of four weeks. Swanson will send each participant a signed paperback or an ebook of your choice, and let you know the Zoom details when you sign up.

Cones Not Drones: Try this at home! Activists with Montreal for a World BEYOND War and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute gave out free ice cream while calling for an end to Canada’s planned armed drone purchase.

Bases, bases everywhere. We’ve updated our tool to see them.

Visit the Events Calendar.

Find events and add your own events!

#NoWar2023 Conference: Nonviolent Resistance to Militarism will be held online Sept. 22-24. Register.

Save the Date: Imagine Africa Beyond War Conference (Nov 23-25):

A 3-day virtual conference to strengthen & increase World BEYOND War’s networks in Africa to work collectively to end all wars. Register.



Did you know that you can use your birthday or any other occasion to create a fundraiser for World BEYOND War on Facebook, and people who care about peace and/or like you will chip in generously?

News from Around the World:

How the Settler-Colonial Brutality in Kashmir Is Hidden

From Colombia: Solidarity with Conscientious Objector Yurii Shelyazhenko

Welcome to The Slaughterhouse

Australians Oppose Massive War Maneuvers, Talisman Sabre, AUKUS, and NATO Involvement in the Pacific

United Nations Wants to Resurrect a Global Disarmament Mechanism Last Used in the 1980s

Canada Secures $418 Million Sale of 55 Light Armoured Vehicles to the Colombian Army

AUDIO: Rachel Small on the Peace Movement in Canada and the World

Talk World Radio: Kennedy’s Peace Speech Set to Music

Decades Later, the U.S. Government Called Hiroshima and Nagasaki “Nuclear Tests”

When Bots Can’t Handle The Truth: Artificial Intelligence and Activism

How Morocco Assaults U.S. Citizens and Just How Much a U.S. Senator Does Not Care

Scared to Death!

Demonstration for Peace in Ukraine Held in Budapest

AUDIO: David Swanson on Congress and Military Spending

AUDIO: Peace Witness Interview of Mike Smith, Former General Secretary of Labour Party, New Zealand

U.S. Activists to Join Protests Against U.S. Nuclear Weapons Deployed in The Netherlands and Germany

That Other War: Struggle and Suffering in Sudan

Talk World Radio: Helena Cobban on Climate Crisis in the Capitalistocene

One U.S. Senator and Zero Representatives Say They’ll Vote No Unless Military Spending Reduced

Cover up: The Australian Government’s Secret List of U.S. Bases

Blinken’s Visit Supporting FIFA Threatens New Zealand’s Peaceful Reputation

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.
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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada

One Response

  1. I would appreciate receiving your material in English with availability for Spanish translation
    Thank you

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