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How to End War

I understand that wars and militarism make us less safe rather than protect us, that they kill, injure and traumatize adults, children and infants, severely damage the natural environment, erode civil liberties, and drain our economies, siphoning resources from life-affirming activities. I commit to engage in and support nonviolent efforts to end all war and preparations for war and to create a sustainable and just peace.

I understand that wars and militarism make us less safe rather than protect us, that they kill, injure and traumatize adults, children and infants, severely damage the natural environment, erode civil liberties, and drain our economies, siphoning resources from life-affirming activities. I commit to engage in and support nonviolent efforts to end all war and preparations for war and to create a sustainable and just peace.

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News From the Antiwar Movement

If Only Afghans Were Jews

The U.S. and other governments are not making the priority of rescuing endangered people from Afghanistan that a consumer of Hollywood movies might imagine being made were the endangered people Jews in Nazi Germany.

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Patterson Deppen, America as a Base Nation Revisited

It was the spring of 2003 during the American-led invasion of Iraq. I was in second grade, living on a U.S. military base in Germany, attending one of the Pentagon’s many schools for families of servicemen stationed abroad. One Friday morning, my class was on the verge of an uproar. Gathered around our homeroom lunch menu, we were horrified to find that the golden, perfectly crisped French fries we adored had been replaced with something called “freedom fries.”

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Ex-Official Matthew Hoh, Who Resigned over Afghan War, Says U.S. Mistakes Helped Taliban Gain Power

“The only thing more tragic than what’s happened to the Afghan people is that in a few days America will have forgotten Afghanistan again,” says Matthew Hoh, a disabled combat veteran and former State Department official stationed in Afghanistan’s Zabul province who resigned in 2009 to protest the Obama administration’s escalation of the War in Afghanistan. He says much of the U.S.

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Peace Education

A Global Security System: An Alternative to War (Fifth Edition)

Study War No More: A Guide
Engaging in Learning and Action: A Concerned Citizens Study and Action Guide for “A Global Security System: An Alternative to War”.
Learning Materials

Peace Education

Study War No More: A Guide
Engaging in Learning and Action: A Concerned Citizens Study and Action Guide for “A Global Security System: An Alternative to War”.

A Global Security System: An Alternative to War (Fifth Edition)

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What is World BEYOND War?

This video from January 2024 summarized World BEYOND War’s first 10 years.

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