(This is section 49 of the World Beyond War white paper A Global Security System: An Alternative to War. Continue to preceding | following section.)
“Development reinforces diplomacy and defense, reducing long-term threats to our national security by helping build stable, prosperous and peaceful societies.”
2006 United States National Security Strategy Plan.
A related solution to democratizing the international economic institutions is to institute a Global Marshall Plan to achieve stabilizing economic and environmental justice worldwide.note49 The goals would be similar to the UN Millennium Development Goals to end poverty and hunger, develop local food security, provide education and health care, and to achieve these goals by creating stable, efficient, sustainable economic development that does not exacerbate climate shift. It will also need to provide funds to assist with the resettlement of climate refugees. The Plan would be administered by a new, international non-government organization to prevent it from becoming a foreign policy tool of rich nations. It would be funded by a dedication of 2-5 percent of GDP from the advanced industrial nations for twenty years. For the U.S. this amount would be approximately a few hundred billion dollars, far less than is the $1.3 trillion currently spent on the failed national security system. The plan would be administered at ground level by an International Peace and Justice Corps made up of volunteers. It would require strict accounting and transparency from the recipient governments to ensure that the aid actually got to the people.
(Continue to preceding | following section.)
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See full table of contents for A Global Security System: An Alternative to War
49. For more information, see School of the Americas Watch at www.soaw.org (return to main article)
2 Responses
Excellent comments about the importance of a Global Marshall Plan. Some of us will be visiting congressional offices with an updated copy of the proposed plan and would very much like to get help delivering copies to congressional staff members. Please contact me, Jack Gilroy, at jgilroy1@stny.rr.com
or call my cell at 607 321 8537 for more information. We plan to be in DC April 22 to 25th. Or you can do home district visits. We need to keep this conversation going. Please comment on my article (but not my name) at http://www.tikkun.org and go to Daily Tikkun and click on the top most read piece: Generosity vs Violence and then make a comment to continue the debate on alternatives to violence.
jack Gilroy Margarete Some of us will be visiting congressional offices in DC April 23/24th. to get more folks on board to the plan noted below (click on) Please consider making a comment after you read the article. We want to generate a major discussion that may lead to more than a Congressional Resolution. If you decide to comment please do not mention my name, just the benefit of the concept of a Global Marshall Plan. If you don’t agree, please note that as well…we need input to keep the conversation moving.
Thanks for all of your work, Jack – this sounds like a great initiative. (Folks can read more about Jack Gilroy and his contributions to peace building and creative resistance here: http://awaketodrones.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-predator-in-chicago-good-friday.html )
Jack – be sure to check out worldbeyondwar.org/end-use-militarized-drones/