Canada Bans Weapons to Israel – CODEPINK Congress Capitol Calling Party

By CODEPINK, April 4, 2024

Join CODEPINK Congress as we educate, activate and mobilize for peace legislation! As the US Congress approves another $3 billion in arms for Israeli genocide, Canada’s parliament–thanks to the New Democratic Party—votes to suspend weapons sales to Israel. Though Canada’s vote was non-binding, Canada’s foreign affairs minister says, “It is a real thing and the government will halt future arms shipments.”

How did peace activists in Canada organize to win? Join CODEPINK Congress for a conversation with Canadians on what it took to pass the resolution and what it will take to make it stick.

Featured Guests:

Libby Davies is a Canadian politician from British Columbia. She was the member of Parliament for Vancouver East from 1997 to 2015, House Leader for the New Democratic Party from 2003 to 2011, and Deputy Leader of the party from 2007 until 2015. leading advocates for social justice. During her 18 years in the House of Commons, she gave a voice to the voiceless on such issues as the plight of thalidomide survivors, LGBTQ rights, affordable housing, missing and murdered women, and safe injection sites.

Kim Elliott grew up in an agricultural community in rural Quebec. She is an accomplished researcher, writer, and editor. She was executive director of the award-winning national, non-profit news organization from 2005-2023. Kim has had a life-long commitment to social justice and human rights advocacy, and has organized campaigns, conferences and events, including leading a Canadian parliamentary delegation to the Middle East.

Rachel Small is Canada Organizer for World BEYOND War. She is based in Toronto, Canada, on Dish with One Spoon and Treaty 13 Indigenous territory. Rachel is a community organizer. She has organized within local and international social/environmental justice movements for over a decade, with a special focus on working in solidarity with communities harmed by Canadian extractive industry projects in Latin America. She has also worked on campaigns and mobilizations around climate justice, decolonization, anti-racism, disability justice, and food sovereignty. She is a longtime member of the Mining Injustice Solidarity Network and has a Masters in Environmental Studies from York University.

One Response

  1. No War is justified.
    Iran’s actions thie passed wkend were TOTALLY FORSEEABLE


    Isreal’s GENOCIDE violates ALL International laws and Agreements

    Good going Canada

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