WBW News & Action: Pipe Dream or Work in Progress?

Let’s Take the Money Out of War

World BEYOND War is collaborating with CODEPINK and Chicago Area Peace Action as part of the Divest Chicago from the War Machine Coalition to divest the city of Chicago from weapons. Excitingly, we recently met with Chicago Aldermen La Spata and Rosa and secured their endorsement of the campaign! Email us at info@worldbeyondwar.org to work on divesting your city.

This month’s volunteer spotlight features Eva Beggiato, an organizing intern with World BEYOND War, as well as a chapter coordinator for the Italy and Ireland chapters and a board member of the new WBW Youth Network. Read Eva’s story.

Sign Up for a Book Club in Time to Be Mailed a Signed Copy and Start Reading it!
August: Ann Wright and Featured Whistleblowers: Dissent: Voices of Conscience (5 spots left).
September: Kathy Kelly and Bending the Arc.
October: David Vine and The United States of War.
November: Stephen Vittoria and Murder Incorporated.

Flag Day: Mayors for Peace in Berlin.

Introducing New WBW Chapter in Italy.

Online Photo Action to End the Korean War: Take an action shot (selfie) holding a sign for Korea Peace. Print your choice of sign from here or make your own creative sign. Post on Twitter, Facebook, or any social media platform with this caption: 70 years is enough. Let’s End the Korean War!

110+ Groups Tell Biden to End Murder Program

Sign our petition to the 26th UN Climate summit planned for Glasgow in November.

Upcoming events list.

Peace Education and Action for Impact is a new programme launched by World BEYOND War in collaboration with Rotary Action Group for Peace.


World Peace: Pipe Dream or Possibility? — July 15.

Seeking Land Back in Guatemala — July 15.

Hidden in Plain Sight: Uncovering Canada-Israel Weapons & Surveillance Trade — July 18.

Cancel Talisman Sabre: No More War Games in the Pacific — July 24.

Walking a Path to a World BEYOND War — July 27.

Hope for the Earth: Canada, Sign the Ban Treaty — August 6.

Recent videos:

Ending America’s Forever War in Korea.

웨비나: 미국의 끝나지 않는 한반도 전쟁에 마침표를 찍자

All past webinar videos.

Sign up for email updates from the World BEYOND War Youth Network here.

Nominate the first-ever war abolisher of the year.

News from Around the World:

World BEYOND War Podcast Episode 26: A Virtual Antiwar Gathering

World BEYOND War Spain Helps Establish First International City of Peace in Spain

Peace Witness – Liz Chats With Murray Horton From Campaign Against Foreign Control Of Aoteoroa

Biden Defends Ending a War He’s Not Fully Ending

U.S. Wargames in Nordic Region Aimed at Moscow

Why Daniel Hale deserves gratitude, not prison

How One Town Kicked Out Raytheon

West Papuan Peace Activists Disrupt a Massive Arms Fair

Video: Africa/Europe/Middle East Opening Plenary for Global Peace Conference 2021

The Way Between

Talk World Radio: Yurii Sheliazhenko on Ukraine as Imperial Chess Board

NATO Wants to Close Hungary Behind an Iron Curtain – Declaration of the Hungarian Peace Community

The Pentagon Has Invited Me to a Propaganda Show About How It Poisons Water Around the World

Angelo Cardona Received the Diana Award

Mike Gravel and An Ongoing Road to Courage

The Art of War – Atlantic Stormwind in the Black Sea

The Attack on Japan’s Peace Labor Union, Kansai Namakon

Demilitarizing the Mountains of Montenegro

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.

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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA

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