WBW News & Action: 20 Dictators Backed by the U.S. Government

Despite the growing coronavirus pandemic, the CANSEC 2020 weapons show is still scheduled for Ottawa May 27 and 28. CANSEC is billed as “North America’s largest trilateral defence event” and is expected to attract 12,000 government and military officials and weapons profiteers from 55 countries. Weapons dealers should not risk spreading coronavirus in order to spread the deadly violence of war. SIGN THE PETITION.

War Rehearsals in Europe Have Been Reduced But Not Yet Canceled — Keep Signing and Sharing This Letter

As citizens of the world, we all support this letter, written by Laura v. Wimmersperg in Berlin. Read and add your name.

Online Course: War Abolition 201

There is a recommended fee. Pay less if you have to and more if you can help others. There is no requirement to have completed War Abolition 101. With what do we replace the war system? What actions and strategies might we pursue in building a peace system? War Abolition 201 explores these questions and more with the goal of engaging students in learning that leads to action. Instructors will include: Leah Bolger, Rivera Sun, Kathy Kelly, Phill Gittins, John Reuwer, and David Swanson. LEARN MORE AND REGISTER.

A petition launched on March 19, 2020: The mass killing and destruction of Iraq that began 17 years ago today, assessed by the most scientifically respected measures available, killed over 1.4 million Iraqis, saw 4.2 million additional people injured, and 4.5 million made refugees. . . READ THE REST AND ADD YOUR NAME.

New Book Covers 20 Dictators Currently Armed, Trained, and Funded by the U.S. Government: Get a signed copy as a thank you when you become a recurring donor.

Free Webinar: The Age of Hybrid Warfare: War is more than bombs and bullets. Join us on March 25 at 8 p.m. ET for a discussion of the new age of “hybrid warfare” – a mix of disinformation, sanctions, and unconventional tactics. We will define what hybrid warfare is, and discuss case studies of it in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and elsewhere. This webinar is co-hosted by World BEYOND War and About Face: Veterans Against the War.

Free Webinar: David Swanson on Ending War

This event on April 7 is sponsored by the Dallas Peace and Justice Center, Pax Christi Dallas, Code Pink, and Veterans for Peace. It was to take place at the Peace Chapel in Dallas, but has been moved online. The sponsors have generously made it available free to anyone anywhere.

David Swanson is an author, activist, radio host, and executive director of World BEYOND War. RSVP HERE.


The big conference planned for Florence, Italy, on April 25 will now be online on that date in Italian, and three days later available as video in English. Watch for it!

“I have acquired skills, knowledge, attitudes and beliefs that will help me work to end wars in all forms in my locality and beyond.” —Felix Philip Danambutiyo Rokoyo of South Sudan who completed War Abolition 101.

News from Around the World

Do You Support the Health Workers?

Mobilization To Cancel CANSEC Arms Show Grows Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

50 Oppressive Governments Supported by the U.S. Government

Stop Tightening the Thumb Screws: A Humanitarian Message

Here Are 12 Ways The US invasion Of Iraq Lives On In Infamy

Let’s Use This Time We Have to Radically Rethink

US Army Invades Virus-Plagued Europe

Open Letter to #CancelCANSEC

“Maximum Pressure March”: US Hybrid War on Venezuela Heats UP

Canadian Weapons Show Will Proceed Despite Coronavirus Pandemic

To Help Stem Coronavirus, Lift Sanctions on Iran

American Unexceptionalism and COVID-19

WorldBEYONDWar is a global network of volunteers, activists, and allied organizations advocating for the abolition of the very institution of war. Our success is driven by a people-powered movement –
support our work for a culture of peace.

World BEYOND War 513 E Main St #1484 Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA

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