By World BEYOND War, March 26, 2021
Sixty years ago, the United States used approximately 19 million gallons of 15 different herbicides, including 13 million gallons of Agent Orange, over southern Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Between 2.1 and 4.8 million Vietnamese were exposed during the spraying and many more continue to be exposed through the environment. Agent Orange exposure continues to negatively affect the lives of men and women in Vietnam and in the United States. Agent Orange exposure is associated with cancers, immune deficiencies, reproductive illnesses and severe birth defects in Vietnamese, American, and Vietnamese-Americans directly exposed as well as their children and grandchildren.
In this powerful panel, Hoan Thi Tran and Heather Bowser share their personal stories. Jonathan Moore discusses the U.S. legal cases around Agent Orange, and Tricia Euvrard talks about the current lawsuit in France. Susan Schnall talks about the broad health effects of Agent Orange, and Paul Cox briefly discusses the legislation on Agent Orange that U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee will soon introduce.