Weapons shipments should be blocked, arms fairs closed, blood profits protested, and the business of war made shameful and disreputable. World BEYOND War works to protest, disrupt, and reduce the arms trade.
World BEYOND War is a member of the War Industry Resisters Network, and works with organizations and coalitions around the world on this campaign, including Groups Against Arms Fairs (which we co-founded), CODE PINK, and many others.
Pictured: Rachel Small, World BEYOND War Canada Organizer. Photo credit: the Hamilton Spectator.
In 2024 we launched a project to shame war profiteers.
In 2023 we protested CANSEC.
In 2022 we gave a War Abolisher Award to Italian dock workers for blocking weapons shipments.
In 2022 we organized, with Groups Against Arms Fairs and other organizations, a global protest of Lockheed Martin.
In 2022 we protested CANSEC.
In 2021 our annual conference focused on opposing weapons fairs.
The latest news on efforts to end weapons dealing:
Lockheed Martin, Warmonger! / Lockheed Martin, belliciste !
Montréal for a World BEYOND War gathered downtown on Friday, April 22 as part of the Global Mobilization to #StopLockheedMartin.
Global Mobilization to #StopLockheedMartin kicks off with Protest & Petition Delivery at Lockheed Martin HQ during its Annual General Meeting
World BEYOND War and allies protested outside Lockheed Martin’s headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland during its Annual General Meeting and delivered a petition with thousands of signatures calling on Lockheed to convert from weapons manufacturing to peaceful industries.
Stop The Arms Fair: Liverpool Says No to The Merchants of Death
Several hundred people attended the latest rally against the Electronic Warfare Europe arms fair on Saturday lunchtime.
Stop The Arms Fair
A short documentary made in collaboration with Fossil Free London highlighting the links between the arms trade and the environment.
BREAKING: Activists protest at Lockheed Martin facility on anniversary of Yemen school bus massacre, demand Canada stop arming Saudi Arabia
Activists are protesting outside Lockheed Martin’s Dartmouth facility in Halifax, Canada to mark the third anniversary of the Yemen school bus massacre.
West Papuan Peace Activists Disrupt a Massive Arms Fair
West Papuans are currently engaged in a full-scale, nationwide, nonviolent insurrection. They demand all Indonesian troops to be withdrawn and for the internet to be switched on.
New Billboards in Germany and Ads in Canada Take on Nukes and Lockheed Martin
See if you can spot where our new ads for Canada have made corrections to and improved the accuracy of a familiar and ubiquitous ad by Lockheed Martin.
CADSI Announces “Canadian Defence Marketplace” as Virtual Alternative to CANSEC Arms Show
On February 10, the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries (CADSI) tweeted: “Face-to-face meetings won’t resume for a while, but we’ve got the next best thing – no commute required! Introducing Canadian Defence Marketplace [via] virtual B2B/G meetings. May 6 & Nov 4.”
Talk Nation Radio: Rachel Small: Blocking Trucks to Move Canada from War to Peace
This week on Talk Nation Radio, putting your body in front of weapons shipments and organizing for peace. Our guest is Rachel Small, Canada Organizer for World BEYOND War.
How We Blocked Weapons Trucks in Canada — How You Can Do the Same
We blocked trucks outside Paddock Transportation International. Paddock ships armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia for the Saudi-led war on Yemen — or at least it tries to!
PRESS RELEASE: Activists Block Trucks at Company Transporting Weapons to Saudi Arabia, demand Canada stop fuelling war in Yemen
BREAKING: Activists in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada block trucks at company transporting weapons to Saudi Arabia, demand Canada stop fuelling war in Yemen.
Coalition celebrates cancellation of CANSEC; demands permanent ban on weapons shows
By World BEYOND War, April 2, 2020 (En français ci-dessous) In response to the Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries’ (CADSI) March 31 announcement