Senator Baldwin Calls for Ceasefire After Meeting With World BEYOND War Madison

By World BEYOND War, December 22, 2023

As documented in various previous articles at, World BEYOND War’s chapter in Madison, Wisconsin, and many friends and allies, have been urging U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin to support a ceasefire in Gaza, and she finally has.


Wisconsin Journal-Sentinel: “Baldwin Calls for Resumption of Humanitarian Cease Fire in Gaza”

Fox News: “Dem Senator calls for cease-fire shortly after meeting with group pushing to cut aid to Israel” (Remember that “aid” is Fox News’s term for deadly weapons.)

Wisconsin State Journal: “Baldwin Calls for Ceasefire”


10 Responses

  1. I love your organization but im calling this statement from Baldwin, bullshit. It read like some Orwellian doublespeak – what the fuck is a “humanitarian cease fire” ? You’re either for a permanent cease fire, and giving the land that was stolen in 1948, back to the Palestinians, or this is total bullshit designed to appease her AIPAC donors and give the appearance of caring.
    She wove back into her statement the outright lie, perpetrated by the ADL to give cover, for people like Tammy, to commit genocide:
    “Israel has the right to defend itself”.
    NO IT DOESN’T! Under international law, the occupier has no right to defend itself from the people it’s occupying. And dont give me crap about civilians vs soldiers; Israel is nothing more than a brutal, genocidal, apartheid state and it has no right to exist just bcz a bunch of racist white ppl decided to kick the indigenous ppl off their land. Lies aren’t going to cut it anymore. The only place Israel has a right to exist is in the Hague.

  2. I love your organization but I’m calling that statement from Baldwin some kind of tortured Owellian doublespeak. What does she even mean by a ” humanitarian ceasefire” ? You are either for a PERMANENT ceasefire, or this is bullshit, meant to appease her AIPAC donors and give the appearance of caring. She still continues to say “Israel has the right to defend itself”. That phrase was invented by the ADL to give cover for people, like Tammy, to commit genocide.
    Under international law, an occupier has no right to defend itself from the people its occupying. Israel is a brutal, genocidal, apartheid regime that has consistently lied about everything, including how many of their own they murdered on Oct 7, due to their “Hannibal Directive”.
    Lies aren’t going to cut it anymore, and the only place Israel has the right to exist is in the Hague.
    Nothing will come of this anyway, bcz Genocide Joe is all in on committing genocide on the Palestinians and I have more faith in the Houthis to put an end to Israel’s genocide than anything this government will ever do. I mean really, for GenJoe and Tammy Baldwin:

  3. I admire your great dedication and steadfast work. Thanks to and to Senator Baldwin for changing her position.

  4. Baldwin calls for “A resumption of a humanitarian cease fire” . That is a totally disingenuous statement attempting to appease the 80% of democrats who are calling for a PERMANENT cease fire. Then she repeats the LIE that Israel has the right to defend itself!! Israel has the right to defend itself in the Hague.
    This was statement was meant to shut people up while maintaining her hundreds of thousands of dollars she gets from AIPAC.
    Since nothing of any significance will come from this administration, who is completely on board with the genocide of Palestinians AND continuing to ethnically cleanse them from their land its also bullshit for Baldwin to say she opposes their removal from Gaza. She knows that’s exactly what IS CURRENTLY happening and is only seeking plausible deniability.
    If Baldwin had just stayed silent she at least couldn’t be accused of being a cynical opportunist.
    I have more faith in the Houthis to stop the genocide that anyone who continues to work for AIPAC.

  5. I find Baldwins statement a disingenuous attempt to cover her ass. “Resumption of a humanitarian cease fire” – You’re either for a permanent cease fire or you’re for continuing genocide.
    The Houthis will have more impact on ending this genocide than Tammy Baldwin .

  6. Baldwin’s statement was a total sham, and she did none of the things, you said right here on your page, that you asked her to do:
    1)ask for a PERMANENT cease fire
    2)work to decrease aid to Israel
    3)end the siege on Gaza
    4)US to sign onto article 99
    Tammy Baldwin still needs to be removed from office for letting things go on this long and we all know its bcz she takes thousands $ from AIPAC.
    In fact if she continues to support more reasons for Israel to commit genocide, she should is guilty of violating the Geneva Conventions .

  7. Baldwin’s statement was a total sham, and she did none of the things, you said right here on your page, that you asked her to do:
    1)ask for a PERMANENT cease fire
    2)work to decrease aid to Israel
    3)end the siege on Gaza
    4)US to sign onto article 99
    Tammy Baldwin still needs to be removed from office for letting things go on this long and we all know its bcz she takes thousands $ from AIPAC.
    In fact if she continues to vote for more weapons for Israel to commit genocide, she is guilty of violating the Geneva Conventions .

  8. Funny thing, Tammy Baldwin refused to vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders resolution that would demand an account from the State Dept on whether Israel has been committing human rights abuses – bcz if so, that would not allow the US to keep sending weapons (effectively ending Israel’s campaign of genocide).
    That would conflict with Baldwin’s bogus cease fire statement about Israel doesn’t have the right to kill civilians. This is how you know Baldwin’s statement was total BS!! Why wouldn’t she want a formal accounting on whether Israel is committing human rights abuses?? Yeah. Think about it. Tammy Baldwin is still working for AIPAC and she doesn’t give one goddamn about killing civilians. How long do the citizens of WI have to put up with this total BS ?? Are you holding Baldwin to account, Worldbeyondwar????????

  9. Now I think your organization is worthless, self – aggrandizing crap. You’ve accomplished nothing. One month after getting Baldwin to make a phoney cease fire statement, which was mostly Zionist talking points, the Palestinians are still being slaughtered.
    Bernie Sanders tried to end funding to Israel by holding a resolution based on their violation of human rights and Baldwin voted against it !!!!!!!¡!!!!!!!!!! Do you plan on holding her feet to the fire and demanding to know why ??????????????

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