The Second Chance Act needs your support

Second ChancesRight now, there’s a law called the Second Chance Act that recently expired and needs to be reauthorized. In 2008, it was passed by bipartisan majorities of both Houses of Congress, funding over 600 programs in 49 states to reduce recidivism, and help ex-offenders reintegrate into their communities. These programs – dealing with drug treatment, job opportunities, and mental health – have been tremendously successful at reducing crime rates and helping people successfully rebuild their lives.

There are 2.2 million inmates in the United States, nearly all of whom will be released. Making sure that they have the ability to build a life and contribute to their communities is critical to ensuring they don’t ever go back.

Will you sign the petition in support the Second Chance Act?

Signing the petition will generate messages to your Members of Congress.

A bipartisan team of Senators and Representatives, led by Senators Leahy (D-VT) and Portman (R-OH), and Representatives Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and Davis (D-IL), has been working to reauthorize this critical bill (S. 1690/H.R. 3465), but they need your help. There’s a great chance to pass the bill in the lame duck session, but Congress will be faced with lots of other issues. We need you to remind your Members of Congress about the Second Chance Act, and to make it clear that it’s important to you, their constituents.

It’s not hard. All you have to do is sign the petition.

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If we can get it to a vote, the Second Chance Act will pass easily. But we need your help to get those votes. Support the Second Chance Act today!

Bob Baskin Photo

Bob Baskin, President

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