Our friend and participant in World Beyond War, Russ Faure-Brac, has died. He lived well. We will miss him.
Book and Article Summaries by Russ Faure-Brac:
From Dictatorship to Democracy
Money and Banking for Transition
A Shadow Government Controls America by Mike Lofgren
National Insecurity by Mel Goodman
The Art of Waging Peace by Paul Chappell
Reasonable Defense by Carl Conetta
Peaceful Revolution by Paul Chappell
Transition to Peace by Russ Faure-Brac
From War to Peace by Kent Shifferd
The Third Industrial Revolution by Jeremy Rifkin
A National Strategic Narrative by Mr. Y
Rebooting the American Dream by Thom Hartmann
One Response
How sad that I only now after Russ’ passage would learn by chance of his work for peace .
I knew him in the 70s when he had hopes of rebuilding the Delta islands (Bay-Delta Estuary)– I was program manager of the Delta Advisory Planning Council. I introduced him at a meeting of the Association of Environmental Professionals to Anne Sands, who became his wife.
Is Anne still with us? Please ask her to contact Bruce Jones at 209-613-5074 in Modesto or brucejones424@msn.com
I will order Russ’s book and note it in my book in development KILL WAR!
Peace to Russ and all his associates
Bruce E Jones
author of War Without Windows