Imagining a World Beyond War

By Cym Gomery, World BEYOND War, October 21, 2022

Montreal for a World BEYOND War chapter volunteers pedaled 22 km on Saturday, October 15th to raise funds for peace. We set out earlier than planned, at 8 am, since Cym, the chapter coordinator, was registered to attend the International Women’s Alliance assembly that same day. The early start meant little traffic, and the cool fall weather was perfect for light exercise. It turns out that biking in a scenic setting—along the Pole des rapides route in our case—is a good way to reset, and to imagine that a world beyond war really is possible.

A big thank you to everyone who donated to our first fundraiser. Together you contributed $720 to World BEYOND War, to help this citizen-powered movement continue gaining momentum and challenging militarism.

In November, we celebrate our first year as a chapter. We have a big year ahead: We want to dissuade our Canadian government from purchasing fighter jets, killer robots, and warships, we want to get Canada out of the NATO gang, and to convince our political representatives to sign the Nuclear Weapons Ban treaty (TPNW).

But equally important, we want to connect with people who care about peace, who are willing to share their talents, their time and their unique skillsets—which they may not even be aware of, yet—so that we can work together to be the change we want to see in the world.

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