by PeaceActionNewYorkSt, October 18, 2021
A history of the North Korea “Nuclear Crisis” presented by Hyun Lee to the NJ/NY Korea Peace Now Grassroots group on October 15, 2021.
Hyun Lee is the National Campaign and Advocacy Strategist for Women Cross DMZ. She is a writer for ZoominKorea, an online resource for critical news and analysis on peace and democracy in Korea. She is an anti-war activist and organizer who has traveled to both North and South Korea.
She is a Korea Policy Institute associate and routinely speaks at national and international conferences as well as webinars and public seminars. Her writings have appeared in Foreign Policy in Focus, Asia-Pacific Journal, and New Left Project, and she has been interviewed by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the Thom Hartmann Show, the Ed Schultz Show, and many other news outlets. Hyun obtained her bachelors and masters degrees from Columbia University.