David Hartsough in Bay Area

David Hartsough will be speaking about his new book, WAGING PEACE: Global Adventures of a Lifelong Activist and World Beyond War

Sunday, Nov 2 at 1pm at the San Francisco Friends Meetinghouse at 65 9th St in San Francisco (between Market and Mission near the Civic Center Bart station) and

Sunday, Nov 9 at 6 pm at the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists at 1606 Bonita (at Cedar St) in Berkeley.

Afterward he will be signing copies of the book

David Hartsough knows how to get in the way. He has used his body to block Navy ships headed for Vietnam and trains loaded with munitions on their way to El Salvador and Nicaragua. He has crossed borders to meet “the enemy” in East Berlin, Castro’s Cuba, and present-day Iran. He has marched with mothers confronting a violent regime in Guatemala and stood with refugees threatened by death squads in the Philippines.

Waging Peace is a testament to the difference one person can make. Hartsough’s stories inspire, educate, and encourage readers to find ways to work for a more just and peaceful world. Inspired by the examples of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr., Hartsough has spent his life experimenting with the power of active nonviolence. It is the story of one man’s effort to live as though we were all brothers and sisters.

Engaging stories on every page provide a peace activist’s eyewitness account of many of the major historical events of the past sixty years, including the Civil Rights and anti–Vietnam War movements in the United States and the little-known but equally significant nonviolent efforts in the Soviet Union, Kosovo, Palestine, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines.

Hartsough’s story demonstrates the power and effectiveness of organized nonviolent action. But Waging Peace is more than one man’s memoir. Hartsough shows how this struggle is waged all over the world by ordinary people committed to ending the spiral of violence and war.

2 Responses

  1. Hello David,

    My Peace Studies class just watched your video with the slide presentation from the Methodist Church in Seattle and had a question:

    How did you and your spouse financially support your family with your many travels and peace activities?

    Thanks for the reply.
    Dr. Thomas P. Egan

  2. Hello I am actually in a peace studies class and we watched one of your videos today in class. I was wondering how did you support not only yourself but your family. While traveling the world with your nonviolence resistance. I am looking forward to hear back from you.

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