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Nancy Pelosi Could Get Us All Killed

The arrogance of power is especially ominous and despicable when a government leader risks huge numbers of lives in order to make a provocative move on the world’s geopolitical chessboard.

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Rally in support of Steven Donziger, New York City courthouse, May 2021, including Roger Waters, Steve Donziger, Susan Sarandon and Marianne Williamson
Culture of Peace

Roger Waters And The Lines On The Map

World BEYOND War is hosting a webinar next week with the great songwriter and antiwar activist Roger Waters. A week later, Roger’s “This Is Not A Drill” concert tour will be coming to New York City – Brian Garvey told us about the Boston show – and I’ll be there, tabling with our partner organization Veterans for Peace …

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Alternative to Oblivion

Roy Kepler was a radical pacifist and conscientious objector during World War II, owner of Kepler Books in Menlo Park, California, involved for many years with the War Resisters League, one of the founders of the Pacifica Foundation and public radio in California.

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Negotiating Peace With Monsters

The odd thing about this — although it happens in every war — is that each of the two sides has negotiated with what it characterizes as irrational monsters on the other side with whom no negotiations are possible.

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Culture of Peace

Odysseus Would Have Worked for Lockheed Martin

My eight-year-old son and I just read a shortened version of The Odyssey. Traditionally it’s thought of as the story of a hero making his way past various monsters. Yet it’s really quite blatantly the story of a monster making his way past various heroes.

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