WBW News & Action: Burundi, Hiroshima, Colombia, Toronto, Aotearoa

Read our email newsletter from May 29, 2023.

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The U.S. military has sent troops to Montenegro to turn Sinjajevina into a training ground, and thus far public pressure and plans for nonviolent resistance have kept them out of Sinjajevina!

About 30 Burundi chapter members stand in a half circle, posing for the photo, holding a WBW banner.

New World BEYOND War Chapter Launches in Burundi! The WBW Burundi chapter launched on May 16! Twenty-four people from Burundi and four from the Democratic Republic of the Congo attended the kick-off event. Attendees discussed the importance of nonviolent communication for the prevention of war, and the African Union’s agenda for peace and security.

Read about and see photos of WBW’s bicycle peace caravan in Hiroshima during the G7 Summit.

WBW Participates in Anti-Militarist Week in Colombia.

WBW and allies create honest website about Canada’s militarized police and put up posters everywhere.

In Aotearoa, WBW Vice President Liz Remmerswaal testifies for peace.

Madison for a World BEYOND War pushes government for peace in Ukraine.

ENDS ON JUNE 2nd! Would you like to help the movement to abolish war and get an incredible deal on a vacation, sports tickets, books, wine, musical instruments, artwork, dinner, or other items? Bid for peace!

UKRAINE: Nonviolence or Nonexistence?

Upper Midwest Chapter Coordinator Phil Anderson speaks into a microphone. In front is a Veterans For Peace sign, reading "Honor the Fallen. Heal the Wounded. Work for peace."

Volunteer Spotlight: Phil Anderson.


May 31 in Ottawa: Protest CANSEC

We are now accepting nominations for War Abolisher of 2023.

We are planning a second-annual 24-hour peacewave on July 8-9, 2023. Propose an event to include, or sign up to watch.


Check out all the upcoming book clubs. Sign up for one with time to receive the signed book and read it!


Reimagining Peace & Security in Latin America and the Caribbean Webinar Series

Webinar Series on Latin America.

June 1: Neutrality.

July 1: Cómo iniciar un capítulo de WBW en América Latina.


Uniting for Peace

No G20 in Kashmir

All past webinar videos.

News from Around the World:

West Suburban Peace Coalition Deconstructs the U.S.’s 835 Overseas Military Bases at May 16 Educational Forum

Activists Blockade U.S. Navy’s West Coast Nuclear Ballistic Missile Sub Base Before Mother’s Day

Supreme Court of Ukraine Releases a Prisoner of Conscience: Conscientious Objector Vitaly Alekseenko

Brotherhood and Friendship in a Time of War

How To Discuss Movies in Ways That Encourage Critical Thinking About War & Violence

Greetings from Héctor Béjar / Saludo de Héctor Béjar

Dear Russia-Had-No-Choice Friends

Dear Ukraine-Had-No-Choice Friends

Could Hassan Diab Be the Latest Victim of Gladio Stay-Behind Armies?

The Maine National Guard Is Not Defending the U.S. But Destroying Montenegro

100 Organizations Publish Petition in The Hill Calling for Ukraine Peace Talks and Ceasefire

A Timely Call for Peace in Ukraine by U.S. National Security Experts

G7 Leaders Falter Over Nuclear Disarmament in Hiroshima

From Beyond the Death of Beyond Vietnam

Kathy Kelly on War and Peace

Future Memorials, Montenegro, and the Statue of Liberty

Counting the War Dead

How Many People Has the U.S. Government Killed?

New Zealand’s Record High Military Spending Will Please Its Dangerous Ally But Increase the Risk of Nuclear War

Haitian Flag Day / Día de la Bandera de Haití

Audio: New Episodes of Peace Witness with Liz Remmerswaal

Talk World Radio: Keyanna Jones: Stop Cop City

World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.

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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada

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