Hey, Montenegro has a new flag, and few people in the U.S. could find Montenegro on a map. What’s wrong with this picture?
By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, May 23, 2023
According to the following tweets by the Montenegran military, the Maine National Guard and Brigadier General Dean A. Preston are not “guarding” Maine or the nation Maine is in. The Maine National Guard is not even anywhere near the United States.
Instead, the Maine National Guard is helping to turn a beautiful and inhabited mountain in Montenegro into a training ground for the U.S. military and its NATO sidekicks, against the overwhelming demand of the people of Montenegro, who are doing everything they can to nonviolently protect their home.
#BGLazarević sastao se sa komandantom BG Dinom Prestonom. Lazarević se zahvalio Prestonu na podršci koju @GuardMaine već 17 godina pruža #VCG. BG Preston kazao je da je CG kredibilan partner i saveznik, kao i da se savezništvo najbolje ogleda u vježbama kao što je #IR23.
— Defence MNE (@defence_mne) May 23, 2023
🇲🇪🤝🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/6zx7TrF5dD
#ImmediateResponse23 #DefenderEurope
— Defence MNE (@defence_mne) May 23, 2023
🇲🇪🇺🇸🇭🇷@USArmyEURAF @GuardMaine @USEmbassyMNE pic.twitter.com/CP6zAkkuOP
🇲🇪🤝🇺🇸🤝🇭🇷#ImmediateResponse23 #DefenderEurope #StrongEurope #FriendsPartnersAllies#Soldiers #Training pic.twitter.com/gmLgdmSDY7
— Defence MNE (@defence_mne) May 23, 2023
#VCG uz #NATO saveznike, nastavlja da uvježbava kompleksne radnje, kako bi garantovala sigurnost naših građana i doprinosila odbrambenim kapacitetima Alijanse, kazao je #BGZoranLazarević, na otvaranju međunarodne vježbe #IR23 u Pljevljima.@GuardMaine @USArmyEURAF pic.twitter.com/nRGzYmWqzP
— Defence MNE (@defence_mne) May 22, 2023
#HappeningNow: Montenegro Army Honor Guard prepare to raise the U.S. and Montenegro flags during DV Day for the #DefenderEurope exercise #ImmediateResponse in Pljevlja, Montenegro. @GuardMaine will be working with the Montenegro Army in Montenegro supporting Immediate Response pic.twitter.com/uXVfNhIQcs
— U.S. Army Europe and Africa (@USArmyEURAF) May 22, 2023
Inhabitants are waging a nonviolent campaign to protect a beautiful inhabited mountain in Montenegro from being turned into a military base. The people of Montenegro, led by the Save Sinjajevina campaign, have done everything people can do to prevent atrocities in so-called democracies. They’ve won over public opinion. They’ve elected officials promising to protect their mountains. They’ve lobbied, organized public protests, and made themselves into human shields. They show no signs of planning to give up, much less to believe the UK’s official position that this mountain destruction is environmentalism, while NATO is threatening to use Sinjajevina for war training in May 2023!
One Response
Good for them. Always good to see peoples’ victories!