By David Swanson, World BEYOND War, February 4, 2024
On February 3, WBW Advisory Board Member Maria Santelli and I led workshops at Southpaw Cafe in Blacksburg, Virginia, for students at Virginia Tech. Maria’s workshops were on knowing your rights when thinking about joining the military, and on “How do I feel about war” — the latter including a popular exercise in which participants step forward or back in response to questions about the morality of killing. My workshop was on “Talking About War — An Organizer’s Training.” I used this slideshow:
2 Responses
I’m a little bit confused about some figures on slide no 3. It says that U.S. spends more than 227 nations combined and exports more weaponry than 228 nations combined. Is it a typo or could you explain that to me? For example I’ve heard figures like the 15 next countries combined in spending. But maybe there’s a distinction between nations and countries that I don’t get.
With regards
The numbers are from SIPRI and used in the mapping militarism section of this website
Of 230 other countries if you leave out the 3 that spend the most, the other 227 combined spend les than US does — just go look at the numbers and add them up